News & Events
March 19, 2025
RIAS Media Awards 2025
The jury has selected the winners of the 2025 RIAS Media Awards from a wide variety of entries submitted by RIAS alumni and other journalists from Germany and the USA.
We want to thank all participants for submitting their entries!
RIAS Berlin Commissioner Michael Gargiulo, who chairs the RIAS Media Awards jury: “The judges congratulate all the participants for outstanding entries that came from the full spectrum of German and American media, from national networks to small local TV stations. We were so impressed by their reporting on the major issues between the two countries and the personal ones, like retracing an American father’s steps through a German village, 80 years after he took them for the first time.”
The Award winners in the categories Television, Radio, Digital, Fellows and Grand Prize have been notified. We look forward to welcoming them and all other participants as well as RIAS alumni from the USA and Germany for the RIAS Media Award ceremony in Berlin on May 15, 2025.
February 11, 2025
German journalists begin RIAS Berlin Commission fellowship in the USA
A group of German journalists arrives in Washington DC on March 03 for the start of their RIAS Berlin Commission fellowship. The participants are seasoned mid-career journalists from public service and commercial media from across Germany. They will be meeting with politicians, think tank analysts, historians and journalists in Washington DC and other cities. The network of RIAS alumni across the USA welcomes the German journalists in their newsrooms across the country to observe how current issues are being covered. This program schedule will also give the journalists a look ahead at the celebration of America’s 250th anniversary and historical background on the founding of that nation.
Melanie Marks, ARD, Munich/Hamburg
Melanie Marks is a reporter, host and editor for the German public broadcaster ARD and the Bayerischer Rundfunk. She presents the TV-News Show “BR24” and the “Update” at tagesschau24. As a reporter she focusses on politics, especially the developments of the AfD in Bavaria.
Daniel Frevel, ARD, Hamburg
Daniel Frevel is a reporter for ARD German Television, primarily covering current affairs and politics for Germany’s leading news programs, Tagesschau and Tagesthemen. He is also one of the anchors for ARD’s nationwide nightly news radio program, ARD-Infonacht. He loves cheesecake and freshly brewed coffee.
Konstanze Nastarowitz, ARD, Hamburg
Konstanze Nastarowitz is a multimedia journalist and presenter for the German public broadcaster ARD/NDR. She covers media, politics, society and international relations in longform as well as news journalism and regularly presents a nightly radio news program.
Cornelia Neumeyer, BR, Munich
Cornelia Neumeyer is a reporter, editor and podcast host for the German public broadcasters ARD and ZDF. She works for Bayerischer Rundfunk, especially the daily news radio station and their corresponding podcast unit. She is also one of the hosts of „Aktenzeichen XY“. Neumeyer has developed and lead several storytelling podcast projects, inter alia, for Spotify, Audible and Podimo.
Dominik Braun, WDR, Cologne
Dominik Braun is an editor at the German public broadcaster WDR, where he works in program management, strategy and risk management. When working as a video and audio journalist, he focuses on social development, environment, and infrastructure issues.
Ines Ziglasch, MDR, Leipzig
Ines Ziglasch is a reporter and editor for the German public broadcasters MDR & ARD. She works especially for daily news programs. Ziglasch is a specialist on politics and social movements.
Melissa Körner, Facts for Friends, Hamburg
Melissa Körner is a freelance host and editor for news formats targeting younger audiences, including the fact-checking organization Facts for Friends. Previously, she worked for the channels Social News Daily and melissa.was.geht under the #UseTheNews initiative, RTL Studios in Kiel and Hamburg, Hamburger Morgenpost, and Goethe-Institut Ukraine, focusing on news, disinformation, and format development for young audiences..
Victoria Enzenauer, RTL/ntv, Frankfurt am Main
Victoria Enzenauer is a reporter and editor for the German private broadcaster RTL and n-tv. She works for several daily news and magazine shows for RTL and n-tv. She broadcasts live from special events or happenings and reports on politics in the federal state of Hesse. Victoria Enzenauer is also the Green Production Manager of RTL Hessen.
Burak Ünveren, Deutsche Welle, Cologne
Burak Unveren is a multimedia editor for Deutsche Welle (DW), Germany’s international broadcaster. He specializes in Turkish foreign policy and German-Turkish relations. He also works as a freelance author and moderator.
Jule Hoffmann, Deutschlandradio, Berlin
Jule Hoffmann is a reporter and editor for the German public broadcaster Deutschlandradio. She works for several programs, especially for two daily shows about pop culture and literature. Hoffmann is an expert on comics and engages in socio-cultural topics like diverse societies and inequalities.
Katharina Peetz, Deutschlandradio, Cologne
Katharina Peetz is a freelance host, reporter and editor, mainly working for German public national radio broadcaster Deutschlandradio. She works for several daily news and political programs and podcasts. Her areas of expertise are European and international politics.
January 6, 2025
Christoph Jumpelt is the new RIAS Executive Director
In the second half of 2024, Christoph Jumpelt initially took over the duties of Executive Director of the RIAS Berlin Commission on a temporary basis. After successfully completing the application process to fill the position, Jumpelt was appointed by the RIAS Berlin Commission.
Jumpelt began his journalistic career as a producer with a U.S. television network’s news division. He covered international current affairs, reported from war zones and worked on investigative teams. Later, he was a news director, documentary producer for several German broadcasters and trained journalists in Africa and the Middle East. Among other assignments, including in the USA, he continued to report from conflict areas and worked on documentaries for public and commercial broadcasters. Jumpelt worked for the German international broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW) for ten years, where he was Head of Corporate Communications and Spokesperson and most recently Head of International Relations.
November 21, 2024
German RIAS alumni spent a week in Washington, D.C. prior to the Presidential Election 2024
A group of German RIAS alumni spent a week in Washington, D.C. learning about, national politics and journalism in the US. The program took place during an exciting and decisive time in the history of the United States – one week before the presidential election 2024.
Gesa Eberl, ntv, Cologne
“Trump will probably come back to power. We expect political turbulence, but we Americans have survived worse.” This is one of the more honest quotes we heard from a communicator from the Capitol in one of our many exciting political dialogues. Without naming names. What a great week in Washington, D.C. with more honest domestic political insights than many congressmen, political analysts or think tanks expected! On the other hand: “anyone who tells you that he knows who will be president on November 5th is lying.” Poll numbers so close together polarize this country like never before. An alumni trip with almost 40 German journalists in exchange with the Hudson Institute, POLITICO, German Embassy and even an expert on political violence who fears worse conflicts if Harris comes to power, because then Trump supporters will not give up. Two weeks before the presidential election on site in Washington, D.C. To feel and hear what concerns the Americans will have for the next four years impressed me once again and fascinated me socially at the same time. We were particularly close to the White House with the incumbent President Joe Biden. As journalists, we were able to catch a glimpse for the last time, because it was probably the last time we will see this man in public in person. Goodbye Joe Biden Goodbye USA! Thank you, RIAS!
Michael Stang, Deutschlandfunk/WDR, Berlin
Obama has cooked the books,” said Kevin Dayaratna of the Heritage Foundation, Washington, D.C. The data specialist used this expression to explain why, in his view, man-made climate change can be viewed in a different way and that there is no causal connection between CO2 emissions and global warming. This was not the only statement that irritated me, especially as someone who regularly reports on this topic as a science journalist. But this is precisely why I wanted to go on the RIAS alumni trip to Washington, D.C. shortly before the elections – to listen, learn and try to understand how this deeply divided country works. And there was plenty of insight, from political organizations, NGOs, from the business world, think tanks, the university environment, and diplomacy. Often there was only one of the two points of view, that everything was either frustrating and a catastrophe was imminent (“Donald Trump is just the beginning”) or that everything was not as bad as it seemed, after all political America had always withstood all forces (“checks and balances”). This image of a tertium non datur in the sense of a law of the excluded middle was clear at almost every meeting. The fact that even inside the Capitol, which experienced an attack on the heart of democracy almost four years ago, there is no sign commemorating what happened on January 6, 2021 and that, when asked, tour guides simply told us guided tours were not about recent history, was astonishing. So was the decision of the Washington Post not to make an endorsement in the presidential campaign for the first time since 1988, a decision made by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, the newspaper’s owner. These findings provided plenty of material for the many fruitful discussions not only during the productive, diverse meetings, but also within our RIAS group later – and by that, I mean not only the German, but particularly the American alumni of this great, transatlantic network.
Lydia Leipert, BR, Munich
“You are scared. I am scared too.” When these words ring out in four vocal ranges from hundreds of singers in the cathedral in Washington, D.C., they leave their mark. At the “Big Sing” (a community singing event organized by the Kennedy Center), alto, soprano, bass and tenor sang what you can feel everywhere in the American capital. Fear, insecurity, uncertainty. What will happen in 10 days after the “razor sharp” election? And what will happen in the weeks that follow, when nobody assumes that the outcome of the election will be so easily accepted by all sides? The week with RIAS in Washington showed how differently this election and its outcome are viewed. We met journalists from “Media Matters”, who are fighting against disinformation and believe they are on Trump’s possible deportation lists, to conservative think tanks like the Hudson Institute, who believe in checks and balances and that the system can withstand Trump. Experts such as Cynthia Miller-Idris, a sociologist and extremism researcher, have painted a frightening picture of a shaky democracy and how divided the country is, how tense the mood is on the ground and what could still happen. How little can we take the democratic constitution of the U.S. for granted? In addition to the many exciting impressions and expert opinions, it was above all the follow-up discussions in the RIAS group that helped me move forward. I would like to thank the RIAS program for the invaluable insights into a country at a crossroads – first and foremost Pam Ortega, who patiently and professionally supported and accompanied our group. Thank you
Michael Heussen, WDR, Cologne
It’s the biggest political show on earth, and it starts long before you set foot on American soil: In my case, at Dublin Airport, where US immigration is already taking place. “You’re a journalist? You must be flying over for the election?”. Oh well, what’s next? The immigration officer turns out to be a registered Democrat from the Midwest who doesn’t yet know who he’s going to vote for. “It’s difficult this time.” But he doesn’t say why, and I don’t want to probe too much. The line behind me is long. In New York City, I thought it was clear-cut. Okay, the Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue and the devotional store in the basement with a gingerbread Trump, but everything else Harris? At the latest when driving through Staten Island towards New Jersey, I count more Trump signs than Harris signs in the front gardens. And this impression is reinforced by the background discussions in Washington: some want to win at all costs, others simply don’t want to lose. The momentum seems to be with the Republicans in this week of October. The shortest explanation: their own wallets are closer than Ukraine. And Trump promises more money, less taxes. And all the insults and gaffes? “Both sides do it!”. Thanks to RIAS, I witnessed my first US election campaign 20 years ago in Missouri and in California: George W. Bush versus John Kerry. Compared to today, it was a pillow fight. 2008 Barack Obama against John McCain. Men of honor. 2012 Obama against Mitt Romney. Gentlemen. Everything changed in 2016. And now again, for the third time, like a war. I hope to see a return to the good old days in 2028.
Kate Brady, The Washington Post, Berlin
Traveling to Washington, D.C. as part of the RIAS Alumni trip, just two weeks before the U.S. election, was a priceless experience. The wide variety of talks and discussions with think tanks, media watchers and policy advisers helped to build a better understanding, not only of the current state of America, but how transatlantic relations will shift in the coming years. The meeting with Media Matters which focused on the threats to freedom of press, disinformation and the role of AI was particularly insightful and led to discussions within the group long after the meeting was over, as we all navigate our own way in this rapidly changing media landscape. The appointments with Constanze Stelzenmüller from Brookings Institute and political violence expert Cynthia Miller-Idriss also left a deep impression as they discussed the wider implications of the election, both at domestic and international level. Both speakers were also able to to highlight the patterns in some areas of German and American society and the extent to which the democratic process on both sides of the Atlantic is being taken for granted. The trip was also a chance for our group to exchange our own ideas while also experiencing the fantastic city that is Washington, D.C.! None of this would have been possible without the great organization by Pam Ortega on the ground, who even managed to secure us a last-minute trip into the White House Press Room. Thank you to the entire RIAS team for making this unique experience possible!
Clas Oliver Richter, NDR, Hamburg
What happens if a travel group sets off to the U.S. during these times? First of all – of course – a WhatsApp group was founded!!!!!! And ensures an euphoric start! Make appointments before departure – keep the entire group and our sensational coordinator Pam Ortega up to date about flight delays – thanks to WhatsApp – we have a lot to tell each other even before we meet for the first time! Washington, D.C. welcomes us with relaxed summer temperatures – but most of those we speak to seem tense. At NBC 4/Telemundo we find out how the local TV station wants to continue making good money, how the Spanish-speaking audience in the Washington area is reached – and how the intensive election advertising is compatible with the journalistic self-image. They are still tense at NBC/Telemundo because no one knows what consequences a second term in office for Donald Trump will have for the U.S. media. Our visit to the conservative Heritage Foundation is one of the highlights. Rarely have I been presented with the world view of ultra-conservative political scientists in such detail. When asked about climate change and the recent hurricanes in the southern parts of the U.S., Heritage climate expert Kevin Dayaratna quickly answers that “there were a similar number of hurricanes in 1940 – and no one connected them with climate change”. But since even the right-wing political strategists don’t yet know who will soon be moving into the White House, they don’t really seem relaxed either. During our visit to the local public radio station WAMU 88.5, we experienced very committed journalists who are passionate about their work in difficult times. “A few years ago we had more than twenty reporters on duty, now there are only two left,” says RIAS alumna and morning show host Esther Ciammachilli. Everyone at WAMU 88.5 knows that a Republican president wouldn’t really support the promotion of liberal media. I experience my personal highlight here: we meet Diane Rehm, a legend of American radio journalism. Her talk show “The Diane Rehm” Show has been a regular part of my daily routine in America since my first trip to the U.S. in 1995. At the age of 88, she is now producing a podcast and has retired from day-to-day business. For me, the fact that there is time for a short “meet and greet” remains one of the most beautiful experiences of our trip. The days in Washington are full of impressions that show us all the special dynamics of this politically crazy city. Thank God there is enough time on the long flight back to digest everything for now. And thank God there is a WhatsApp group for exchanging ideas in the days and weeks afterwards!
Anja Heyde, ZDF, Berlin
I set out on this journey full of hope because Kamala Harris was a real possibility this summer. And I came back from that trip with a tiny grain of hope in my little toe that America would get its first woman president… The grain is very small. But it’s there. It was the nuances of the many conversations we had that made my hope so small: With Media Matters, which clearly showed us how much lies and trolls are at work to influence the campaigns. The numbers at the Pew Research Center and from the Cook Report that showed how many reservations there are even in the diverse communities against a woman president. And the Washington Post, which announced the day we were there that they would not endorse either presidential candidate. But I saw again in this trip the incredible richness of our RIAS alumni network. RIAS friend, Jeff Masoni took us to the White House. We got to see Joe Biden live! We sat with Mitch Mc Connell’s spokesman Doug Andres in the Capitol because there was a connection. These connections will become even more important if Donald Trump actually becomes president again.
Christian Schlegel, phoenix, Cologne/Bonn
My week-long stay with the RIAS Berlin Commission alumni group in Washington, D.C., was a unique experience for me as a political scientist and editor who focuses on U.S. presidents and their biographies. A particularly unforgettable highlight was being able to experience President Biden so closely in the garden of the White House—a moment that was so surprising and special, and for which I am truly grateful. The six-day program offered insights that are rarely accessible. We gained insights into American politics not only in the U.S. Congress. We also gained access to influential think tanks and political institutions like New America, the Eurasia Group, and the conservative Heritage Foundation. Visits to the Pew Research Center, the German Embassy, as well as NBC4 and WTOP provided us with a comprehensive view of American media and political culture—insights that would be difficult for any single journalist to obtain. What was especially inspiring were the encounters with the other German and American participants. The exchange of different perspectives and our joint reflection on current issues strengthened our transatlantic understanding and highlighted the value of such programs in promoting relations between the U.S. and Germany. This week has significantly broadened my knowledge and perspective, helping me better understand the political and social systems of the United States—knowledge I can now pass on more effectively to German audiences and students.
Petra Gute, rbb, Berlin
The difference in the polls between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump is “razor-sharp”. So close to the election, it’s almost 50:50. Even if more than 70% of Germans believe that Harris will win, we have to expect that there could be a second Trump term…There is a lot of anxiety and tension in the U.S., as well as exhaustion and disinformation – we can feel this wherever we are with the RIAS Alumni Program so close to the decisive, historic election day. Democracy in the U.S. seems frighteningly threatened. Thank you very much for all these insights into what is happening in the U.S. so shortly before this election – and above all for this diverse and varied alumni program in Washington, D.C. which Pam Ortega has cleverly put together and organized. We were able to experience a wide range of different views and political attitudes here – from “Media Matters for America” to the “Heritage Foundation”. The background discussion in the Capitol with Doug Andres, Mitch McConnell’s spokesman, was also very impressive. And what an experience it was to be guided through the offices of the Washington Post by David Bruns on this historic day, when for the first time in decades the paper did not give an endorsement for a U.S. election – with far-reaching consequences. It was with great gratitude that we were able to experience all of this with this great group of experienced, accomplished journalists, all RIAS alumni, that we flew back home and are now waiting for November 5 and the outcome of this U.S. election, which is now even more special for us. We will never forget this week – and the fact that Jeff Mason, the White House Correspondent for Reuters, was able to “sneak” us all into the White House at short notice and that we were able to “wave” to the 46th U.S. President Joe Biden in person one last time on his departure (to Arizona): a once in a lifetime experience!
Michael G. Meyer, Deutschlandradio/WDR, Berlin/Cologne
The U.S. is in political turmoil – polarization and escalation wherever you look. This RIAS Berlin Commission alumni trip was a perfect opportunity to feel the political and media pulse. The talks and discussions ranged from left to right and to the center of the political spectrum. Which program points did I particularly like? I found it exciting to go to two Latino newsrooms that provide Spanish-speaking viewers with information. The “Heritage Foundation”, which has formulated the guidelines for conservative politics in the U.S. with its “Project 2025”. I also found the political insights of Constanze Stelzenmüller, who works at the Brookings Institution, exciting: who pulls the strings in the background, who formulates the ideological broad lines in the U.S. – Stelzenmüller was able to explain all of this wonderfully. I also liked the mix of journalists we were able to meet; it was a perfect blend of analysis, opinion and insights with young and older colleagues. We were able to take a lot of information and impressions back to Germany. The alumni group itself was also very nice and interesting. Thank you for allowing me to take part.
Julia Rubner, MDR, Dresden
A week in Washington, D.C. with RIAS. Wow. A week later, I still can’t believe it. Behind me, behind us, lie six impressive days. Being able to visit the U.S. capital shortly before the presidential election, to hear and discuss different perspectives and to meet 39 RIAS fellows again or to get to know them for the first time means more than I can express. It is difficult to pick out highlights: In the garden of the White House, U.S. President Joe Biden jumps into the helicopter in front of us. The four-person panel from the Heritage Foundation provides deep insights into an abstract, ultra-conservative worldview. Media Matters, on the other hand, fights against “conservative misinformation.” We walk through the corridors of the Capitol, shuddering at Doug Andres’ descriptions of the events that took place in those same corridors on January 6, 2021. POLITICO journalist Sudeep Reedy talks to us about the work and successes of his editorial team. National Security Correspondent JJ Green captivates us with passionate statements and remarkable memory. With RIAS Fellow David Bruns, we walk past Pulitzer Prizes through the corridors of the Washington Post, whispering respectfully – just on the day that the Post announced that it would not endorse a presidential candidate for the first time. There are also private moments: countless miles of running through the streets of the city – past front gardens either peppered with Harris/Walz banners or Halloween decorations or both; a conversation with an Uber driver and Trump supporter; an evening with colleagues at the art museum; the Washington Patriots ice hockey game against Philadelphia. The list is endless. Thanks for that, RIAS. Thanks to the Berlin team, Christina Reif and Christoph Jumpelt for organizing. And thanks to Pam Ortega, who was always there for us in Washington. It was awesome.
Oliver Sallet, ARD, Berlin
Two years have passed since I concluded my time as a correspondent in Washington, D.C., left the United States behind, and returned to Berlin. Thanks to the RIAS Alumni Program, I recently had the chance to return for the first time—at an especially exciting and historic moment. I was thrilled to contribute to the program by sharing some of my contacts and reconnecting with former interviewees and conversation partners. Among them was extremism expert Cynthia Miller-Idriss, who had predicted January 6 in my documentary but gave an all-clear for this year’s election (and so far, has been proven right again). I also reconnected with the spokesperson for outgoing Senate Minority Leader and Trump critic Mitch McConnell, who spoke candidly with our group about the approaching end of his term. The alumni group itself included journalists from various backgrounds across Germany, making it a truly inspiring gathering. An afternoon at the White House, complete with a jog-by from President Biden, a brief statement, and the powerful takeoff of Marine One—kicking up some serious wind—left a lasting impression on all of us. As always, the meeting and exchange with U.S. alumni from the RIAS network was a highlight, underscoring how well the transatlantic exchange continues to flourish, even years after participating in the RIAS Fellowship.
Stephanie Zietz, NDR, Hamburg
In Washington, D.C. I was particularly impressed by the small, often unexpected moments. There was the elderly gentleman who cheerfully draped his plastic skeleton in his front yard for Halloween and engaged me in a very warm and light-hearted conversation. There was the bus driver who told me about his long working days and his wife’s night shifts: “And when I get home from work, my wife has to leave straight away. We do it all for the family – even if we barely have time for them.” But Washington, D.C. is more than just a scene of emotional encounters. It’s also a place of fierce debate. In conference rooms, we meet a constitutional lawyer, a sociologist and a dedicated team of media observers. Their discussions about radicalization tendencies, online echo chambers and the resilience of the American constitution were not only intellectually stimulating, but also deeply moving. It was as if with every word they were creating a mosaic of thoughts and perspectives that reflected the complexity of American society. The RIAS week in Washington became a personal journey through a wide range of views. But as different as the people and the conversations with them were, they all look to the upcoming elections with hope and skepticism, they all share longings and expectations for a united and peaceful America. In the end, it is as simple as it is complicated: they all want their America.
Bartosz Dudek, Deutsche Welle, Cologne
The alumni program in Washington, D.C. ahead of the presidential elections 2024 was very well balanced and allowed us to get insights across the political spectrum. I enjoyed meetings with the Heritage Foundation as well as the Brookings Institute. The visit to the Pew Research Center delivered us data driven basics. But the greatest highlight of the program was the visit to the White House as a reporter and the short Q&A encounter with President Joe Biden. Considering the fact, I was raised up beyond the iron curtain it was an especially symbolic and moving moment of my life. I am very grateful to RIAS, our RIAS friend Jeff Mason and our wonderful U.S. coordinator Pam Ortega for making this dream come true.
Astrid Corall, NDR, Hamburg
Joe Biden is taking off. And we are there. Our RIAS group is standing at the White House, watching as the President gives a short statement to the assembled U.S. press and then gets into the helicopter that will take him to Arizona. Biden has a few weeks left in office. Kamala Harris or Donald Trump will follow him. Harris or Trump? This question has been with us the whole week. However, only one thing seems certain: it will be a close race in this election. It is great that we can be in Washington, D.C. shortly beforehand with RIAS and talk to representatives of think tanks, assistants of politicians and journalists from NBC4, WAMU 88.5 and the Washington Post. They give us so many interesting insights and sometimes very different assessments. On the issues that determine the election campaign. On the consequences of a possible Trump victory for the U.S., for the transatlantic relationship, for the war in Ukraine. And on the question of whether – if Harris is elected – things will remain calm in this divided country. Great concern and uncertainty can be felt in some of our conversations. The week is intense, and the visit to the press room of the White House is the icing on the cake. I leave Washington with many valuable impressions and a better understanding of what moves people. A big thank you to the RIAS Commission, to Pam, the U.S. alumni and everyone who made this possible! I will remember this week for a long time.
Jan Liebold, RTL, Cologne
What do journalists and political analysts in the U.S. capital, Washington, D.C. think about the situation in the country shortly before the landmark presidential elections on November 5, 2024? That’s what I want to find out together with 39 other German journalists on my RIAS trip from October 20th to 26th. Our coordinator Pam Ortega has arranged a number of exciting appointments. And regardless of whether they are political advisers from progressive or conservative think tanks, correspondents from POLITICO or the Washington Post, everyone agrees: the U.S. has never been so politically divided, Harris and Trump supporters are irreconcilable. Now everyone is asking themselves: How does the camp that will lose in the elections react? Is a new wave of violence sweeping across the country, which is still shocked by the storming of the Capitol in January 2021 and is struggling to find out who was responsible? What will happen to America’s democracy if radicals use lies and tricks to undermine its institutions and try to take control of them? These are bleak forecasts; hardly anyone we spoke to is completely optimistic about the future. But no one wants to paint a completely dark picture: Even under President Trump, the U.S. will not withdraw from NATO, will not withdraw from Europe, and will not completely stop supporting Ukraine. Because the populist Trump will hopefully see the light if he moves into the White House again and he will then hopefully understand that the importance of his country is much greater than his own, often small-minded, egotistical and egocentric politics. What remains of six RIAS days in Washington? Lots of important food for thought and lots of new contacts with exciting people from the U.S. and Germany. Thanks to the RIAS Commission! It is precisely these impressions that are important at a very special time.
Steffi Clodius, ARD, Hamburg
“As a journalist, I’ll be getting my work done as if nothing has happened. As a woman, a POC, a member of the LGBTQ community, I am frightened to death.“ That was the double-edged answer that Esther Chiammachilli, popular WAMU host, gave me to my question about how she feels about Donald Trump winning the presidential election. It sent a shiver down my spine. I cannot think of a more intensive moment of my RIAS trip to Washington, D.C. – although there was no lack of outstanding experiences. I met so many inspiring, impressive, interesting people. There was Esther. There are these brave people at Media Matters who desperately and Don-Quixoteesque try to fight that forsaken fake-news plague with which this incomparable country is infected, not backing down although their careers and even their freedom is at stake. There was our reporter’s luck meeting NPR legend Diane Rehm who never pops in apart from the very day of our visit. There were Ivanley Noisette, Cythia Miller-Idriss, Constanze Stelzenmüller – each of them painting a rather dark picture of America’s (and even the world’s) near future. And, last but not least at all, there was Joseph Robinette Biden, 46th President of the United States of America, jogging towards us from the White House’s Rose Garden, giving us a short statement on his upcoming trip to Arizona, then heading off for his roaring helicopter. We simply couldn’t believe it. Professional distance? Well, not today, folks. Ask me again tomorrow. Apart from these deeply impressive encounters and moments on a professional basis, there was this wonderful experience of exchange with my German colleagues. The school-trip feeling that inheres journeys like ours, the invisible glue whose existence has been buried and forgotten for quite some time and that sticks us together at least for a week or two. In these regards, here are my lessons learned: Being stopped by a police control does not necessarily mean to get shot as long as you kindly ask if you are allowed to get out of the car. Being forced to use the very last row of an Uber XL does not automatically cripple my meniscus. And: 1940 was a hell of a hurricane year.
Johannes Batzdorf, ARD, Leipzig
A pizza margarita for 22 dollars without tax and without tip. I didn’t know prices like that from my last trip to the U.S. before Corona. And so even as a visitor to America, you’re practically in the middle of the election campaign. Inflation in combination with people’s personal economic situation is one of the decisive issues that will probably decide the U.S. presidential election between Democrat Kamala Harris and Republican Donald Trump. According to the polls, the race between the two is extremely close. At the same time, this shows just how divided the country is. The RIAS alumni trip to Washington, D.C. shortly before the election was a trip at a special time. It brought our group together with interlocutors from the media, political actors, think tanks, experts and initiatives. The assessments, analyses and background discussions created a diverse and multi-layered picture of a divided country. One thing became clear: even if the U.S. will remain an important and decisive geopolitical player in Ukraine, the Middle East and in its dealings with China, the election will be decided by domestic issues: the abortion debate, migration policy and economic strength. Almost every interviewee opened their statement with the words: “It’s going to be damn close”. And nobody wanted to place bets on the victory of one candidate or the other. And so, after a week with a base in the U.S. so close to the election, I feel a pessimistic picture prevails – especially in the event of Trump winning the election, which is not unlikely. Geopolitically, Europe (trade issues) and Germany in particular (military spending, role in the EU) will face much greater financial challenges. It became clear how important it is for Europe to become a global player united in diversity. And yet I remain hopeful that the democratic principles in the U.S. are strong enough to survive a second Trump era. Checks and balances are likely to be subjected to an enormous stress test. At the same time, I believe that the principle of the separation of powers in the U.S. will continue to exist and will not be too badly damaged. However, I remain skeptical about one question: who can sustainably unite this deeply divided country and overcome the conflicts of values?
Jana Wochnik-Sachtleben, WELT TV/rbb, Berlin
Washington is the capital of the USA and yet not representative of the States. Nevertheless, RIAS- alumni like us, who want to explore the atmosphere of the country, will find many contacts here. And accordingly, we talked to a lot of people.
Although the real highlight was the US President himself, who we couldn’t really hear because of the media-hype and the helicopter, but to be so close to the most powerful statesman in the world – that was very special. In the middle of our visit to the legendary “Washington Post,” the news broke that the paper was not giving a voting preference for the first time. Owner Bezos later explained that readers had “lost trust in the media”. But this decision is unlikely to lead to more trust. Quite the opposite, when it becomes so clear that economic concerns are so clearly influencing journalism. The “Jeff Reporter” is making the rounds. Lori Montenegro is bubbling over with it. A short, but intensive visit with the lively Capitol correspondent. I would have liked to learn much more about her everyday work. Here, too, it was more about the polarization in the country, the Latinos and their influence – or not. It’s a bit of a walk from the Capitol to the headquarters of NBC and Telemundo – but it was worth the trip. RIAS-Fellow Brandon Benavides rounded up the entire top brass of the TV-station. And everyone had something to contribute. A really intense morning.
Following the corridors in the Capitol, off the tourist-tour to listen to Doug Andres, spokesman for Minority-Leader McConnell. Or meeting reporters Larry Miller and Matt Gregory at the National Press Club. Even a certain unease, when we spoke to the representatives of the Heritage Foundation – I will take all these impressions with me into the coming weeks surrounding the US- election and into the reporting. And probably beyond, because they were moving, fulfilling and so full of information and added value. Far away from the hustle and bustle of Washington, I was also able to experience the typical American open-mindedness: As a German ghost at Brandon’s Halloween party 😉🎃
Micha Wagenbach, ZDF, Berlin
What a great week! We have experienced a country in turmoil, with the feeling that democracy is at a crossroads. We have felt a lot of disillusionment, despondency, but also occasional optimism. And we once again enjoyed the invaluable alumni network that opened doors for us all the way to the White House and the Capitol. The conversations we were able to have showed us the most diverse aspects of this torn country. On the one hand, there were the gentlemen from the Heritage Foundation, who would like to see a different state, and on the other, the researchers from Media Matters, who tirelessly try to expose lies on the internet and in other media. On the one hand, there was the spokesman for a Republican senator who had to concede defeat to the moderates in the Grand Old Party and, on the other, the staffer of a Democratic congressman who still hopes that the reasonable people of both parties are capable of forging compromises. On the one hand, there were the journalists from Telemundo, who want to give a voice to the millions of Latinos, and on the other, the seasoned editors of the Washington Post, who were stunned to learn on the day of our visit that owner Jeff Bezos had broken with the newspaper’s long-standing tradition of issuing an election endorsement. These diverse impressions once again gave us the opportunity to better understand the processes and decisions in the U.S. and to translate them for us in Germany. Thank you very much, RIAS!
Mareike Makosch, NDR, Hamburg
Two years ago, RIAS changed my life. On my first RIAS trip, I made memories and met people who have had a massive impact on my life ever since. So, I thought I knew what to expect when I boarded the plane to Washington, D.C. for this year’s alumni trip. Well, so I thought. But wow… having the chance to feel the atmosphere on the ground just before such a decisive election, talking to the smartest and most interesting people—from staunch conservatives to far-left liberals—that really blew me away again. The impressions, the input, the food for thought, would be enough to last a whole year. What particularly sticks with me is the general “vibe.” The typical optimism that Americans usually embody seems to have faded a bit. The hostility media professionals face there, the constant stress—it all made it clear to me once again how much passion and idealism it takes to choose a career in journalism. This incredible trip reminded me of how important it is to stay engaged, to listen to other opinions, and to foster discourse. And how fantastic it feels to watch the sunset on a rooftop with like-minded people. Thank you, RIAS!
Zlatin Nikov, SR, Saarbrücken
Somehow, for years, all of us have carried within us the goal of better understanding the U.S. and finding reasons why half of them are voting for Donald Trump. Thanks to the RIAS Berlin Commission, we can follow this development together on location in Washington, D.C. shortly before the U.S. elections. We try to approach the matter as impartial as possible. Accordingly, we listen a lot and ask questions, but we also experience limitations time and again when our European perspective meets the American one. And yet, question by question, we all get a little closer to our goal. We talk to the Heritage Foundation, a traditionally conservative think tank, and to Media Matters, liberal journalists who are threatened for their research. And as a highlight, we even make it to the Capitol and the White House. After the numerous conversations, Q&A sessions and lectures, it becomes clear that many citizens feel left behind in an ever faster changing world. With his direct, simplistic manner, Donald Trump manages to appeal to these people, reach them and make them dream of the “good old days”, by which each of his supporters understands something very unique. The fact that decency, good manners and fairness fall by the wayside is accepted if it helps Donald become president again. In the evening, we meet to discuss our impressions and experiences, categorize them and cling to the positive things we can take away with us. Of course, the majority of our discussion partners do not believe that democracy will be abolished. But it is being subjected to an unprecedented endurance test. We will see in the coming weeks whether the checks and balances of the U.S. constitution will continue to apply in the future or whether these statements are perhaps just an expression of a last hope. As the week draws to a close, we see pictures of Donald Trump’s final rally in Madison Square Garden, where his speakers and supporters’ insult, incite and mock. None of us are surprised anymore.
Frauke Holzmeier, RTL/ntv, Cologne
Being in the U.S. for a week so close to the U.S. elections – what a privilege! It was a week full of contrasts, sometimes drastic predictions, analyses and also hope. Whether it was an appointment at the Capitol, a visit to the White House where we were able to catch a glimpse of U.S. President Joe Biden, or meetings with journalists, think tanks and other organizations: The RIAS Commission has once again put together a varied program. Former and possibly soon-to-be-president Donald Trump played a role in almost all of the discussions. It was good and helpful that our meetings with the experts represented both the conservative and liberal camps. To summarize, a depressing feeling remains. The division of this great nation was more tangible than ever. Even in our conversations. At the same time, it seems that many Americans who do not work as journalists or in think tanks are taking a pragmatic view of the situation. They are letting the outcome of the election sink in. In contrast, we Europeans seem to be almost more worried about what the future of the U.S. under Donald Trump could mean. The impression is that the consequences for Europe are difficult to predict and the EU does not appear to be well prepared. And it may underestimate that even a President Harris could bring about a change in relations. Many thanks to the RIAS Commission for this unique opportunity shortly before a historic election!
Patrick Döcke, ARD, Hamburg
The meeting was probably the most striking comment on what the political climate in the U.S. has come down to: Danny, spokesperson for the Students Vote Students Learn Coalition, was visibly struggling not to say anything that could be interpreted as non-partisan. Because that would endanger their coalition’s ability to operate in this political minefield of an election that’s holding the country in a stranglehold. A country seemingly so divided that even the idea of making sure that people just exercise their fundamental right to go out and vote has become a walk on a tightrope: one wrong comment – albeit during a closed, off the record meeting – and you’d be canceled. Fortunately, this was the only meeting we had where the invited speakers weren’t talkative and forthcoming about their views, beliefs, fears and hopes for the upcoming election (off the record, of course). The RIAS Alumni trip has offered me a deep insight into what media professionals, politicians and lobbyists are busy and concerned with right now. It’ll no doubt be extremely helpful when covering the aftermath of the election and whatever will come from that. The selection of speakers and hosts was varied and covered the broader political spectrum. I am still in shock (as I was after my first visit there ten years ago) about how the speakers from the Heritage Foundation blatantly lied to our faces while smiling, knowing that they might be closer than ever to implementing their Project 2025 agenda. On the other hand, I’m still moved by the work of the team at Radio Free Asia. And hearing from my RIAS fellow Bartosz what an impact the distribution and proliferation of free press can have. So, thank you RIAS for this opportunity! Being able to experience the vibe in Washington, D.C. two weeks before this historical election was incredible. Thanks also to my RIAS fellows who made this trip memorable and fun. And last but not least a special shoutout goes to Pam who managed to wrangle and control the bag of fleas that was our group. Pam, have you ever thought about going into politics or crisis control? Finally – and fittingly – to quote a sign at the NBC4 HQ: “Thank you for the privilege of your time.”
Birgit Langhammer, NDR, Hamburg
Precisely because public radio has a different status to ours and funding is difficult, I was particularly shocked to see half-empty editorial offices. A very specific figure: “we had 20 reporters, now there are only 2”. My respect goes to the willpower and perseverance of our U.S.colleagues, who are nevertheless committed to making informative programs every day! For me, this is also the strength of the RIAS exchange…of course we know about the crises of journalism and the influence (see Washington Post) by financially strong players, but through the personal encounters in Washington, D.C. have improved my understanding. Thanks to everyone who took the time for us!
Martin Riederer, ARD, Hamburg
Washington, D.C. – two weeks before the elections, what a great time for lots of exciting conversations. We met representatives of MPs, journalists and analysts, and everyone told us that things have never been as close as this year. At the same time, most political observers seem to believe that Trump might win the race. For hardly anyone, this was an entirely positive prospect, not even for conservatives. At least in terms of character, almost everyone doubts Trump. The visit to the Capitol with Doug Andres, Mitch McConnell’s spokesman, was particularly exciting. He gave us a good impression of how legislation works in the U.S.. Even though he may have drawn a too positive picture, he still conveyed the reassuring message that checks and balances in the U.S. are so strong that democracy itself is not at risk, no matter who moves into the White House. Our visit to the White House, which was possible at short notice, was my personal highlight of the week: We were in the briefing room and waited for Joe Biden in the White House Rose Garden with the White House correspondents. We saw how the probably last president with a transatlantic background jogged into the helicopter for one of his last trips. Thank you, RIAS, for this great week!
Simone Varga-Kunz, ARD/FOCUS TV, Munich
During our exciting five-day trip to Washington, D.C., we had the privilege of visiting renowned institutions, research institutes and media outlets of various genres. We were able to choose from a wide range of offers, which meant that we were constantly creating new group constellations with changing dynamics. It’s difficult for me to say which appointment was ultimately the most interesting, because it was the diversity and the combination of appointments and conversation partners that I appreciated very much. Of course, it is an absolute highlight to be in the briefing room of the White House and then, above all, to be able to stand behind the desk of the press spokesperson of the respective administration and even have a photo taken! What was most impressive to me was the conversation I had with Reuters’ long-time White House Correspondent Jeff Mason. I also enjoyed the visit to Radio Free Asia very much. I was impressed by the description of the tough investigative research that took place under the most difficult conditions for covering the destruction of a 19th-century Tibetan Buddhist monastery and the high level of professionalism of our hosts. @Radio Free Asia: If you need backup – I’ll be there immediately! When visiting the Washington Post it became crystal clear to me how much the media got to a turning point. Witnessing this live and on site naturally triggers a lot of thoughts. The day we were there, the decision was made by the Washington Post to not endorse any candidate. Instead, the newspaper wants to go back to its journalistic roots and include more conservative authors. And who would have thought that another way the mighty Washington Post now hopes to save what can still be saved is with 1-minute videos for mobile phones. Our hosts at Telemundo 44, a station focused on local reporting, explained their view of what is the secret of the strength of their medium. It is embracing bipartisanship and taking people’s problems seriously. Thank you very much for letting me be part of that great program!
Arndt Brorsen, ARD, Hamburg
What a week in Washington, D.C.! I am: Enthusiastic. Disillusioned. Scared. Hopeful. Motivated. Something of everything. Enthusiastic: about this unbelievable great program that RIAS set up and made possible. About Christina’s super organization from Germany. About Pam, leading the group so perfectly, uncomplicated and warmly. About the magnificent gang of journalists making this week a real team event. Disillusioned: by the obvious division of the U.S. society. By the opportunism of a certain part of the political class. Scared: of how disenchanted and exhausted some fighters against fake news and agitation are. Of the fear of reprisals in a new Trump era from more than only a few journalists. Of the cold-bloodedness of some political actors questioning democratic certainties. Hopeful: because not everybody’s assuming a major upheaval. Because there is an incredible number of great journalists who will not be put off. Motivated: to implement all the new knowledge in my work. To fight on against misinformation with all my strength. To maintain all the fantastic new contacts. Thank you, RIAS!
Pia Bierschbach, WDR, Düsseldorf/Essen
If you lose your sense of time and space and concentrate completely on politics in the U.S., then you are in Washington, D.C. with RIAS. As an alumna, I was able to visit the U.S. before this historic election and get up close and personal with political decision-makers, organizations and media companies. Learned more about “Project 2025” from the “Heritage Foundation” and heard them deny climate change. I was at the “Washington Post” when it was announced that there would be no endorsement this time. I could sense how close the election will be and why. What will happen to democracy, what will happen to relations with Europe? I’m going back to Germany with a lot of knowledge and even more: I was able to get to know 38 journalists who have now become part of my network and friends. I would like to thank RIAS for this incredibly valuable time.
Abel Fekade, Leipzig University, Leipzig
For my second time with the RIAS program, I had the unique chance to be in Washington, D.C., diving deeper into the political climate of the United States. Although I knew the city from past trips, this experience gave me an entirely new perspective. Engaging with American journalists, political analysts, think tanks, and everyday people offered an intimate look into a nation grappling with intense polarization and division. The week was heavily focused on the upcoming U.S. election and it was clear just how close and unpredictable the outcome could be. Through our discussions, I witnessed firsthand the depth of the political divides and how they permeate the lives of many Americans. I was struck by the openness with which people shared their anxieties and hopes for the future. A personal highlight of this journey was the opportunity to visit the White House and even encounter President Joe Biden – a moment that will stay with me for a long time. This RIAS trip stood out from my first one: the immediacy of current events and the impactful exchanges left a lasting impression on me. The experience was enriched by an incredible group of RIAS members who share a passion for the media landscape and transatlantic exchange. I am grateful for the chance to connect with inspiring new people and to reconnect with familiar faces.
Jana Sievers, Wolfsburger Nachrichten, Wolfsburg/Braunschweig
You don’t get that much input of new information, perspectives and different opinions often just in one week’s time. Whether it was the Eurasia Group, Media Matters, The Heritage Foundation, or Mitch McConnell’s spokesperson – the more I heard, the less I could guess whether Trump or Harris would win the race. First-hand conversations, namely those of the Americans themselves, still resonate with a different feeling than looking from the outside and just guessing about it. This is precisely why traveling with RIAS is so valuable. One thing seems clearer to me: the U.S. has never been so clearly divided. And it probably has a lot to do with the fact that there is rarely a consensus on fact and reality. Opinions have become facts in many people’s minds – so how can we reach these diverse people through our work? In the end, we will probably have to settle for the handful that we have been able to reach. At least. Nevertheless, all the conversations with my fellow travelers and our speakers were rewarding and enlightening. Just how openly Doug Andres reported how he experienced January 6 in the Capitol brought the events a little closer to me. Even if it still seems unbelievable today what happened on that fatal day in Washington, D.C.. Of course, the visit to the White House was an unexpected jackpot, especially as we were able to see President Joe Biden in running action. My main takeaways were JJ Green’s pleasant seriousness and composure, that doesn’t let you despair about political events; My walk at the Lincoln Memorial, where I was able to reflect on the week, and the wonderfully spookily decorated front yards of Washington just before Halloween.
Til Schäbitz, MDR, Leipzig
I’m on the plane home during the time change. Against the clock. Meaning: fly 7 hours but arrive 12 hours later. This year I don’t get an hour “for free”, at least that’s what my gut feeling tells me. Is that a bad thing? Yes. Because I don’t want to go back yet. Is that a bad thing? No. Because every day last week was 35 hours anyway, at least that’s what my gut tells me. How else am I supposed to tell anyone that I jogged along the entire National Mall one morning? That I sat with local political journalists at breakfast and at the Pew Research Center after breakfast to get more questions about the election answered than I could possibly ask myself? Then quickly to the hotel, change, suit, tie, security check, White House, the president is about to take off in a helicopter. He has to walk through the White House Rose Garden, which the media use as an opportunity to take photos. He only really gets to see them very rarely. But on this day, he comes. And then he stands there in front of me, almost touchable, the most powerful man in the world. I didn’t touch him. But later I found the street that heute-journal uses as a Washington, D.C. backdrop and drank an $18 cocktail. How am I supposed to tell this to people who have never been on a RIAS program?
Jutta Müller, ZDF, Berlin
It’s touch and go. Two weeks prior to the elections in the USA it’s absolutely open, who will make it to the White House next, we hear in various background talks. Will the Democrats carry on or will there be a change? Will the Republicans with former President Donald Trump come back again? Nobody wants to predict who’ll be the winner of the elections on November 5th. The only thing which seems to be clear: Donald Trump will declare himself as the next President of the United States, regardless of the election result. We find a heated-up situation with partly rough comments in Washington, D.C., especially from the conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation who sees in Donald Trump the one and only solution for future leadership in the United States. He’ll strengthen the U.S. economy, will stop illegal migration and denies climate change. After all, he will force higher participation in financial support of NATO from the other members. Trump’s criminal prosecution and the current legal proceedings didn’t seem to do him any harm. Not even the raid on Capitol Hill on January 6th, 2021. Angry attacks instead of fair election campaigns, Trump’s voters seem to be faithful. “Project 2025” is the plan, if the Republicans win and Donald Trump becomes President again. It says that there could be a change in U.S. executive of the government to strengthen Trump’s power. Checks and balances would be in danger. Kamala Harris, candidate of the Democrats, stands for defending democracy. She also wants to keep women’s right to abortion. International experience and foreign politics have not been her focus yet, political analysts tell us. What consequences for the transatlantic partnership, the wars in the Middle East and in Ukraine and the NATO has a US president Trump or Harris? In various background talks we could get inside information about a country that is extremely split. Whoever will make it to the White House, it depends on the votes in the swing states, especially in Pennsylvania. That’s why the candidates are still campaigning there.
Markus Sambale, ARD, Berlin
Respect, tolerance, team spirit — and that widespread optimism I’ve often been struck by on trips to the U.S.: Hello, where are you? How much of that is still alive in a society that feels more divided than ever? The 2024 RIAS Alumni Program in Washington, D.C., was a fantastic opportunity to get a sense of where the U.S. stands just before the elections. After several sessions with experts in politics, think tanks, and media, I found myself torn — between deep concern and a sliver of hope that the U.S. might just navigate the coming years safely, despite the hatred and populism spread by Donald Trump and his supporters. Once again, the RIAS network proved to be an incredible resource for helping Germans and Americans understand life on each other’s side of the Atlantic. The alumni week was brilliantly organized by Pam Ortega, who was always approachable and had an unwavering sense for what we needed. RIAS fellows had access to top-tier experts and were even given tours of the Capitol and the White House. Our alumni group was a fascinating mix — from newcomers to the field to seasoned correspondents. Some discussions ran late into the night on the hotel’s rooftop terrace. Experiencing the full political spectrum — from Democrats to Republicans, from liberal to conservative experts — answered many questions and left just as many unresolved. Are U.S. institutions truly prepared to withstand attacks on democracy? Are Germany and Europe ready for what’s to come after Joe Biden? I have my doubts, and they’ll be with me as I return to Berlin in the coming days, tasked with covering the U.S. elections from a German perspective as an ARD correspondent. Luckily, after the alumni week, I got to finish off with a 10K run right through the heart of Washington, D.C. That’s when I felt everything that so often seems to have been lost: respect, tolerance, and team spirit. And, yes, that optimism—the belief that we’ll reach the finish line together.
Natascha Pflaumbaum, ARD/arte, Frankfurt
We’re heading to Carl’s Jr. on Sepulveda Boulevard in Los Angeles on this golden Sunday morning. The streets of Venice Beach are empty, and Morry, our driver, steers his car proudly onto the greasy parking lot of the fast-food joint. Morry drives a Tesla. Model 3. He tells me his wife hasn’t spoken to him for six months because he’ll never be able to afford it. Morry is seventy. I’m on my way to Simi Valley for a shoot for an ARD documentary. It’s a pretty stark contrast, I think, to the polished Washington, D.C. where neoclassical facades line streets that point dramatically toward the heart of power. The people along these avenues wear suits, brown suede loafers, Louis Vuitton bags, clutching their travel mugs. The air smells faintly of weed. I was here for the first time twenty years ago, thanks to a grant from the RIAS Berlin Commission, which placed me at Duke University in 2004, including a side trip to Washington. Now, in this historic fall of 2024, I’m back as a RIAS alum, meeting experts who have made American politics their life’s work. Seasoned lawyers and young academics present us with opposing analyses of the U.S. political landscape in opulent, wood-paneled conference rooms or starkly minimalist think tanks. Conservative lobbyists have already drafted nearly a thousand pages outlining a new world in which American democracy is first undermined, then destabilized, and finally dismantled. Young experts, meanwhile, are holding out hope for “checks and balances” as the last line of political survival. I watch as Doug Andres, Mitch McConnell’s spokesperson, nervously bounces his left leg under the table when he’s asked about his experience on January 6th. NBC4’s newsroom journalists proudly explain how they make successful local television—completely free of politics. Even in the brown-tiled lobby of the German Embassy, a sense of political detachment lingers as the two German hosts introduce themselves as “Beamte” who’ve been serving in Washington for decades. At the end of this week, Joe Biden will fly to Arizona by helicopter. I stand behind the black ribbon at the White House; Biden jogs by, waves, and I record the most exciting video of my life. As a culture journalist, I’m not usually part of the “front row.” Thanks to the RIAS Berlin Commission, I had the rare privilege of being at the forefront during this critical moment in Washington. And in every meeting, I’m learning to shift, correct, and recalibrate my perspective. I’m learning that erratic politics are entirely deliberate, that ambivalence and contradiction are part of the plan, that fragmented, illogical, incoherent actions are considered strategy—and that outrage is futile. In the end, Morry shows me just how little he cares that his country’s democracy is in jeopardy. Far too abstract for him. “I want to die happy, honey,” he shouts and drives away in his black Tesla.
Simone Mir Hashemi, SR, Saarbrücken
“How can Americans vote for Trump?“ is probably the question I have heard most often about the U.S. in recent years. After the RIAS alumni program in October, I not only can come up with more answers to that question, but also more suitable and coherent answers. We talked to journalists eager to tell right from wrong on all sides and understand what concerns their audience. We talked to legislative assistants on both sides of the aisle and learned more about what their struggles are – and that they are sometimes very different from what we think about in Europe. We talked to think tank fellows both liberal and conservative and found that sometimes you learn more through what isn’t said than through what is said. Going through an impressively last-minute White House security protocol to join a hectic group of reporters and cameramen and getting the chance to see President Biden walk to a helicopter and fly away from the meticulous White House lawn was a memorable experience – and at the same time left me with a deep sense of the power of political symbolism. And then you also learn so much from the group itself. I could hear our questions evolve over the course of the week. At least I feel like I can draw a much more conclusive albeit complex and complicated picture of U.S. politics and the upcoming election after the program.
Jule Gölsdorf, Sat.1/ProSieben/Kabel Eins, Hamburg
Just before the U.S. election, it was a very special experience to be part of the alumni trip to Washington, D.C. capturing the atmosphere and speaking with American journalists and experts—especially since I traveled from Washington to New York to report live for Sat1ProSieben on the election. During the five days, there were many impressive appointments and discussions; certainly, the visit to the White House was a highlight—witnessing the departure of the U.S. President in person. Visits to NBC were also exciting, where their journalists provided us with interesting insights into American reporting, particularly regarding the handling of disinformation and fake news. The meeting with representatives from the Heritage Foundation and their Project 2025 was equally fascinating—although many of us do not agree with their stance on issues like climate change, it was enriching to discuss these topics. Visits to the German Embassy, the Brookings Institution, and the Pew Research Center were also incredibly interesting. Overall, it was a fantastic week, especially with the other German colleagues.
October 24, 2024
German journalists reflect on their RIAS Berlin Commission fellowship in the USA
Jana Münkel, Deutschlandradio, Berlin
My RIAS experience was truly one-of-a-kind and unforgettable. It felt like a long bath in a variety of perspectives, opinions, and arguments leading up to the US elections—a colorful bath bomb, if you will, offering something new and surprising every day. I really enjoyed it! What stands out the most are the days spent in Michigan at radio WKAR, a local NPR affiliate. It was like a mini road trip, interviewing Arab Americans in Detroit who want to encourage their community to neither vote for Harris nor Trump, which could really shake things up in this swing state. The radio team in Lansing was fantastic, and I had a great time with my awesome host Sophia (thanks again!). There was even a spontaneous radio interview about my time in the US where we discussed my experience at a Democrats rally with the First Lady – and also, the quintessential Michigander Sunday trip with the smell of freshly squeezed apples: a cider tasting at a local apple farm! A few highlights include the discussion at the Heritage Foundation, the birthplace of the ultra-coservative Project 2025, followed shortly by a contrasting event at the more Democrats-leaning Center for American Progress. I got a behind-the-scenes look at “The Daily” podcast at the New York Times. In addition, I even spotted a jogging Mr. President at the White House, disappearing into his helicopter, off to hurricane-affected areas. Equally valuable was the time spent connecting with current and former RIAS fellows, whether we were discussing politics on a rooftop in Washington D.C. or singing karaoke in NYC together. I’m still coming up for air from this incredible intensive bath, wiping the colorful RIAS foam from my eyes—and I’m looking forward to continuing this journey with the RIAS chapter in Berlin. A big thank you to everyone who made this trip possible!
Katharina Thoms, Deutschlandradio, Stuttgart
A town hall in Pennsylvania. I stood with a reporter from my host station, KYW, in the press section, surrounded by a boisterous, sometimes aggressive crowd. On stage, a former president, once again running for the White House, swayed to his favorite songs for more than half an hour. This surreal scene was perhaps the most memorable moment of an incredible journey with the RIAS program during the pre-election period in the United States. And it was only one part of a deeply insightful two-week experience. During my time at KYW Newsradio in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, I quickly learned how commercial news radio operates here and what it demands from a journalist. Working with the fantastic team at KYW was an invaluable experience that offered a firsthand look at the fast-paced nature of American newsrooms. The intense discussions I had with media experts, researchers, and think tanks before and after my station days, in Washington, D.C., and New York City, made one thing clear: the U.S. is bracing for the possibility of a second Trump administration. While progressives are still hoping to prevent this outcome, optimism is in short supply. Our conversation with The Heritage Foundation left me speechless at how openly they promote their undemocratic ideas. In Germany we fear that, across the Atlantic it feels more like resignation. However, I also realized that we face many of the same challenges: immigration, rising living costs, and climate change. The U.S. is simply a few steps ahead of us. We also share the same deep concerns about journalism, facing not only a divided country but a fractured media ecosystem. I met many dedicated journalists who persist despite these challenges. I deeply valued our conversations with the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) and the Columbia Journalism Review. As a radio and podcast producer, I especially appreciated the insights we gained from NPR and The Daily at The New York Times. I feel very humble to have had the experience participating in this RIAS exchange with this extraordinary group of journalists. Though sobering, the main takeaway was clear: in times of crisis, we must stick to the core principles of modern journalism. There will undoubtedly be many opportunities to put that to the test on both sides of the Atlantic.
Marcus Tychsen, WELT TV, Berlin
As a last-minute participant, I had the incredible opportunity to join the RIAS German-American Journalist Exchange Programme in October 2024. And wow, what a ride! It was packed with eye-opening moments, giving me a front-row seat to all things political, social, and historical in the USA – right before the elections, no less! Talk about perfect timing for a journalist. One highlight was the debates with think tanks in Washington, D.C. At the ultra-conservative Heritage Foundation, we discussed US migration policy and their Project 2025 plan, designed to increase the powers of a Republican president and facilitate the dismissal of government officials for political reasons. This raised concerns, particularly from the Center for American Progress. The Pew Research Center shared surprising statistics, showing most white Christian voters supporting Trump over Biden. Visiting the White House was another standout moment, where veteran correspondents shared insights into their work. We even caught a glimpse of President Joe Biden taking off in Marine One from the Rose Garden. Various visits to US TV and radio stations further illuminated the media’s role in election coverage. For a deeper dive into local journalism, I headed to WSOC-TV in Charlotte, North Carolina. I joined WSOC-TV political reporter Joe Bruno at a campaign event with Lara Trump, observing their approach to live coverage. I also attended a Carolina Panthers NFL game, which was loud, wild, and unforgettable – despite their loss. In New York, a tour of the 9/11 Memorial, led by Gordon Huie, was deeply moving. Meetings with the Committee to Protect Journalists, the New York Times, Bloomberg, and the UN spokesperson Farhan Haq, enriched my understanding of US media. I’m incredibly grateful to the RIAS Berlin Commission for this amazing opportunity. It has not only deepened my knowledge of US media but also prepared me perfectly for covering the upcoming election on WELT TV. A million thanks to everyone involved!
Kristina Gründken, ZDF, Mainz
It’s just before six, and the setting sun paints the Sonora Desert with its rocks and towering saguaro cacti in deep orange hues. I still can’t believe that the RIAS program has brought me to this beautiful, fascinating place. Tucson, Arizona, is a stark contrast to the energetic and fast-paced political circus in Washington, D.C., that we experienced the week before. During our station days, we explore the area with our host, Christopher “Buzz” Conover (Arizona Public Media), and learn about the issues that matter to the people here. Although Arizona is on the Mexican border, there’s little evidence of the migration crisis often discussed during this election campaign. The towering border fence (with barbed wire since the first Trump presidency), in front of which we stand the next day, certainly screams “Stay out!” Yet thousands cross the border legally every day—in both directions—to work, shop, or visit friends. Tucson has a housing shortage, and we see many homeless people on the streets, but few of them are Latino. Here, in the Arizonan heat, it’s easy to see how desperate someone must be to cross into the country through the desert. Those who try face a days-long, grueling march under scorching temperatures. Even now, in October, temperatures still reach 38 degrees Celsius, and 2024 will likely be the hottest year on record in Pima County. In general, climate change is one of the most pressing issues here, Buzz tells us. Agricultural companies and farmers are extracting more and more groundwater, further exacerbating the water shortage. Just before our next flight takes us back to the East Coast, to New York City, we visit the Pima County Board of Supervisors. The consul of Mexico and several citizens are honored, a couple of Trump supporters give a particularly stiff salute as three girls from a mariachi band sing the national anthem. These special moments will stay with me for a long time. Two weeks in the USA just before the election—with a group of amazing journalists who quickly became friends. Two weeks full of encounters with American journalists, NGOs, and think tanks on all sides of the political spectrum. An invaluable experience! Thank you, thank you, thank you to Pam, Chris, Buzz, and the entire RIAS team.
Anna Tschöpe, Deutsche Welle, Berlin
I have lost track of time these past two weeks. I have experienced and learned so much that sometimes it felt like we have been doing this for months, and then there have been moments that have felt so special that my sense of time has stood still. We learned that the race between Harris and Trump is going to be super close and the result could very likely take days to call. It became clear that Americans are concerned about similar issues as Germans. The money in their pockets, skyrocketing prices and immigration are the most important. One day we talked with members of the conservative Heritage Foundation about their controversial policy playbook, ‘Project 2025’, and the next day we sat down with researchers from the Center for American Progress and heard about their vision for the country. For me, it was extremely valuable to hear different perspectives and to be able to ask questions. I was especially excited to visit the Pew Research Center because I had used some of their statistics in my work for DW. They showed us their research on how people with different religious beliefs tend to vote. It was super interesting and I was lucky enough to see the research reflected in reality during my time on the ground in Atlanta, Georgia. My host, Faith Jessie, took us to a church service at Ebenezer Church – the Church Martin Luther King Jr. was a pastor. The service held by U.S. Senator and Baptist pastor Raphael Warnock featured an amazing college choir and is something I will never forget. I am deeply grateful for this program. Thank you RIAS Berlin Kommission – I will always look back on this with the best memories and even made some new friends along the way. What more could you ask for?
Moritz Metz, Deutschlandradio, Berlin
Rarely does one gain such deep insights into a country’s media landscape. Press briefings at the White House and the UN, visits to NPR, the Washington Post, the New York Times, NBC, Voice of America, and Bloomberg; background conversations with activists, researchers, and think tanks from both political camps, including the Heritage Foundation, which is behind the radical initiative “Project 2025”—with which Donald Trump could, in the event of an election victory, not only overhaul the media landscape of the USA. A 2,500-kilometer road trip through New York State, the swing states of Pennsylvania (privately) and North Carolina (on the way to my host station, the NPR local station WFAE in Charlotte), as well as to a campaign event by Kamala Harris, showed me the diverse sides of this country that stands at a pivotal tipping point before the elections. This was or course the main topic in encounters with impressive personalities—and within the community of our travel group. Rarely does one get to know such great colleagues in such a long and intensive way! Thank you, RIAS Berlin Commission; these weeks of intensive immersion were fantastic and truly unforgettable. Once, the USA helped build free broadcasting in Germany with the “Radio in the American Sector.” Maybe we will soon all need to ensure that it remains preserved in the USA.
Katharina Delling, RTL, London
What an experience this has been! Since our trip with RIAS ended, I have been trying to figure out which appointment was the most interesting, which person the most impressive. I have now, however, realized that it’s not possible to pick just one. Each of the institutions, organizations, and people we’ve met throughout the two weeks were thought provoking in their own way. Speaking with a few representatives at the Heritage Foundation was definitely an experience I would not have had otherwise, hearing about the data that could influence this election which the Pew Research Center collected over the past few years or even decades really helped me understand the American voters more, and our chat with the Committee to Protect Journalists renewed my love for journalism and made me want to be even better at my job. And that’s just a fraction of the people we’ve met on this trip. The memories I’ve made these past weeks have changed me in a way and will stay with me forever. For example, seeing President Joe Biden „sprint“ across his front lawn at the White House and fly away in his helicopter or speaking to Gordon Huie about his horrific experience on 9/11and how he still remains to think positively about the world. I expected a lot of great things to come from this trip – and they did – but what I didn’t expect was how I could forge such strong relationships in such a short amount of time with both the people from our group and those we’ve met during our visit. For this I will be forever thankful.
Sebastian Deliga, SWR/ARD, Berlin
This trip with RIAS was an extraordinary experience in many ways. It brought me closer to the United States. The visit to the White House was impressive with the heroic appearance of President Biden, who climbed into his helicopter before our eyes and flew into the sky – happy to the one who can perform like that in a biblical age. The visits to the think tanks were challenging, especially the Heritage Foundation, where one of our hosts said about the radical plan “Project 2025”: “It’s just a book” – what an irritating understatement. The visits to American media companies were exciting. And how differently management can be understood, as I experienced at Bloomberg, for example, where employees are given a free breakfast buffet every morning as an expression of appreciation – not bad. My Station Days at WUSA in Washington D.C. were insightful, because I was able to get to know the American way of doing live broadcasts for television – much more relaxed than it is usual here. I am grateful for the many encounters with American friends. We have a lot in common: We talked about everything, even about the ARD television show “Praxis mit Meerblick”, which – believe it or not – has American fans. We also sang: “Muss i denn zum Städtele hinaus” in the karaoke bar – who would have thought that? Maybe our societies would be less divided if we sang together and across camps more often in karaoke bars. In America as well as in Germany. I feel more connected to the USA than ever before – despite its contradictions. Perhaps the values of democracy are more important than the nation, even if it can trigger more emotions. But aren’t connecting across nations and sharing common values more fulfilling than any isolated reference to oneself? At least that’s what I realized during my two weeks in Washington D.C. and New York for me. I was able to get to know it again in a completely new way – and for that I am very grateful to the RIAS Berlin Commission.
Vivica Jungels, SWR, Stuttgart
I am back in Germany but honestly: My head is still in the clouds somewhere over the Atlantic, caught between the US and Europe. I never experienced a trip like this one. Witnessing the president of the US starting off to his visits at American states effected by the recent huricances, speaking with journalists of wordwide known media outlets such as The New York Times, Reuters or the Washington Post about the upcoming elections and the threat of a potential second presidency of Donald Trump and visiting CNN in Atlanta, looking over shoulders of American news colleagues trying to get the most important information out as soon as possible – these experiences make me humble and totally grateful for what I was privileged to experience the last two weeks. As a young professional who is still looking for her path within journalism, it opened my eyes for what I want to achieve with my work. It led me back to what is really important concerning our job as journalists: we have to fight for democracy, we are a very important part of it and our work is essential for its continuity. To sum it up: it was not only a fantastic planned trip by Pamela Ortega and the whole RIAS Berlin Commission-Team: it was an essential time in my young career and I am more than sure, that I will profit from the experiences I made for a very long time. I may sound kitschy, but that what I saw is craved into my memory and heart – and I am highly thankful for being picked as talented journalist for this program. This program can be a game changer for any journalist there is – so I highly recommend to continue this hard work to strengthen the transatlantic dialogue between journalists. It was a once in a lifetime experience (and I am not known for saying such things just like that). THANK YOU and CONGRATULATIONS Rias Berlin Commission for your great work!
Anna Postels, NDR/ARD, Hamburg/Bremen
When you start your first day, jet-lagged and tired, at 8:30 AM with an appointment at the White House with President Biden – what else can happen? A lot, a lot! For example, my Station Days at abc7ny in New York City! Located right next to Lincoln Center, the team around Bob Monek gave me a warm welcome in the newsroom. Yes, real people who work in a newsroom and not just remotely. The ABC station is one of two major New York TV stations. The social/digital team gave me a great insight into how things work there. We streamed live and exchanged ideas about the various social platforms and the challenges, about reels, comments, the elections, the political developments in the USA and the parallels with Germany… Of course, we also held conferences. And what was particularly impressive was how quickly the colleagues worked and what areas of responsibility they covered! We are all worried and concerned about what might come in November. Chaotic, tough and rough times are probably ahead of us. It was my first time in the USA – and an introduction couldn’t be deeper, more emotional, more complex. I soaked up everything like a sponge. I particularly liked the multi-perspective panoramic view, the side margins that we looked over, the exchange with the people in the USA – but also with the other participants. Special thanks to Michael Gagiulo who showed me arround NYC the first day, he showed me a lot of the history of New York’s beginnings.
Daniel Spliethoff, RTL, Berlin
I saw Joe Biden running on the lawn of the White House in Washington and listened to the Heritage Foundation denying Climate Change. Pew Research Center does so many polls, their mascot must be Count Numbers – but each of their polls was inspiring. The sunset in the desert of Arizona took my breath and I had the best of times during my station days in Tucson. And then New York City: Gordon Huie, triple-survivor of 9/11 gave us all an example how to deal with catastrophes that seem to be larger than life. This summary may sound as weird and without context as a Trump-speech, but it shows how complex and diverse the experience with RIAS in the United States were during this trip in fall 24. It’s hard to put it all together in 200 words and it may take time to process it all. But I know by now, that this keeps on giving for the next years of my career. Congratulations to RIAS for putting together a fantastic program, but even more: thanks for putting together this selection of journalists. I am beyond grateful to have been a part of it. Can highly recommend, any time again!
June 19, 2024
RIAS Berlin Commission Award Ceremony 2024
The RIAS Berlin Commission invited friends and alumni to celebrate the winners of this year’s annual RIAS Media Awards competition on June 03, 2024 in Berlin. The annual award honors some of the best examples of transatlantic broadcast journalism.
RIAS Berlin Commission Chairman Peter Limbourg and Clark Price, Deputy Head of Mission of the U.S. Embassy Berlin, welcomed the winners and esteemed guests of the award ceremony. Among those present were members of parliament, RIAS alumni from all over Germany and the United States as well as the members of the board of the RIAS Berlin Commission. In their remarks Limbourg and Price emphasised the need for accurate and objective journalism in times of growing disinformation to protect democratic values. Through the exchange of journalists from Germany and the United States for a better understanding of current issues in both countries the RIAS Berlin Commission contributes to strengthening the kind of journalism that gives facts and context. Which today is more necessary than ever.
This year’s award ceremony was hosted by Melissa Eddy and Michail Paweletz who entertained the two hundred guests with the greatest of ease, creating special moments for all winners and giving the evening the warm spirit of the RIAS family.
The jury of distinguished journalists from the United States and Germany selected the five winners in the categories Television, Radio, Digital Media and Fellow, as well as the Grand Prize from entries submitted from across the United States and Germany.
The jury commendations for the winners of the RIAS Media Prize 2024
RIAS Grand Prize – Sigrid Faltin, MDR, “Flucht in den Osten – G.I.s in der DDR” (Escape to the East – G.I.s in the GDR)
A compelling story about three American soldiers who deserted to Communist East Germany to start new lives behind the Iron Curtain sheds light on a little-known aspect of the Cold War: more than 200 NATO soldiers, mostly Americans, deserted. As Sigrid Faltin shows in her powerful film, political reasons were rarely behind their desire to leave the West. Instead, they were trying to find romance, seeking to avoid punishment for petty crimes and hoping to escape racial discrimination.
RIAS TV Award – Heinke Schröder, SWR, “Auswandern nach Amerika – Fluch oder Segen?” (Emigrating to America – curse or blessing?)
“Auswandern nach Amerika – Flucht oder Segen ” is the winner of the RIAS Media Prize for television. The Francisco Family sees the USA as a land of unlimited possibilities, unlike Germany. They move to Florida with 13 suitcases and not a lot of preparation. The jury chose this entry because of its personal story of one family’s American dream , and the following reality.
RIAS Radio Award – Iska Schreglmann, Florian Kummert, Susi Weichselbaumer, BR, “Deutsche in den USA” (Germans in the USA)
We all know the history of Germans in the U.S.A., or so we thought. In their deeply researched and reported entry, Iska Schreglmann, Florian Kummert and Susi Weichselbaumer, reveal the extent of those roots, why they were covered up and how they are being revived again today. Through the voices of German-Americans, from seniors who can remember being torn between their German heritage and their American upbringing to a revolutionary from Prussia, who emigrated to Wisconsin launched himself on a path to become U.S. Secretary of the Interior under Abraham Lincoln, their radio piece surprises and teaches listeners about the ties that influence us today.
RIAS Digital Media Award – Andreas Becker, Nicolas Martin, Deutsche Welle, “Cannabis Cowboys – a story about big dreams, juicy money and never-ending hype”. The podcast Cannabis Cowboys is the winner of the RIAS Media Prize in the Category: Digital. Andreas Becker and Nicolas Martin tell the scam story of the Berlin start-up Juicy Fields, which promises investors that they can get rich with medical cannabis. The jury sees this podcast as a brilliant piece of research and a crime story at the same time, spanning from Berlin to the big cannabis giants in the USA and Russia. Captivatingly told and an insight into how business crime works today.
RIAS Fellow Award – Lane Luckie, KLTV, for series of seven spot news reports from Germany during a RIAS fellowship program to Cologne and Munich
In a series of seven live reports from Germany to Tyler, Texas, Lane Luckie delivers content that effectively examines the unique relationship between the United States and Germany. In one report from Munich, Luckie showcases the NFL’s efforts to enhance its footprint in Germany thanks to a new deal and measurable growth abroad. During that report, Luckie demonstrated his knowledge of both countries and how America’s favorite pastime continues to gain new ground. Especially impressive was that Luckie’s live shots were performed individually as a ‘one man band’; a sign that he is capable of writing, shooting, and editing his own content.
March 31, 2024
RIAS Commissioner Link presents Media Prize award to Conover in Arizona
Buzz Conover, the news director of Arizona Public Media, received his RIAS Media Prize award for 2020 at a special ceremony in Phoenix on Friday, March 29 from RIAS Berlin Commission board member Michael Link.

The RIAS Media Prize is awarded annually to journalists whose stories have helped strengthen the diversity of transatlantic dialogue and to deepen interest in German-American relations. The awards are presented to reporting that promotes dialogue on similarities and differences in transatlantic relations. They also stand out thematically; take on new questions in a creative way; critically examine and make the diversity of social reality clear; contain interesting suggestions for transatlantic debate; encourage reflection on problems and solutions; question clichés about Germans and/or Americans; describe trends in everyday life that are of general interest; contribute in a special way to mutual curiosity and understanding; and are suitable to strengthen democratic and societal values.
March 28, 2024
German journalists reflect on their RIAS Berlin Commission fellowship in the USA
Janna Linke, RTL/NTV, Cologne
„We may not be Silicon Valley, but we are Silicon Prairie!“ That’s what the President of Startup Sioux Falls said to me and something that really stayed in my mind. I encountered this pride and confidence in many places there. Sioux Falls is the biggest city in South Dakota with only 200.000 inhabitants and it’s the place for my station week. I really enjoyed my time here in the so called „Flyover State“, because it’s much more than people in the rest of the US or even the world think it is. Although the majority of the state is Republican, many people here condemn Trump’s policies and attitudes. But they don’t feel that President Biden has picked them up either. A dilemma in which many here find themselves. Because what concerns people here is very different from what concerns people in the big US cities. I am very grateful that I was able to get to know this part of the USA, as it has definitely broadened my horizons. Just like the two weeks before in New York City and Washington, D.C. Countless kilometers walked, unique encounters and experiences. Above all, I will remember the people. Like Gordon Huie, for example, who lost his sister on September 11 and helped the injured as a doctor. The tour with him will stay with me for a long time. Just like the visit to the service in the Abyssinian Church in Harlem. We all had tears in our eyes and were extremely touched. At the end of this trip, a group of strangers had become a group of friends. Not only within the group from Germany, but also with many other RIAS alumni that we were able to get to know. I am very sure that our paths will cross again. In any case, connections have already been made. These three weeks will stay with me forever and have definitely changed my view of the USA. Especially now in such an important election year. Thanks to Pam, Erik and the entire RIAS team.
Raphael Jung, ARD & RBB, Berlin
During my first dinner in Tyler, Texas, just after I arrived from New York to my station week, my host and KLTV anchor Lane Luckie told me that for him participating in the RIAS program has been not only a great and mind-blowing event, it has also changed his outlooks and his life. Now, after finishing the program myself, I couldn’t agree more.
This program has been a wonderful and great opportunity for me to re-discover the United States – a country I had visited before only once, 15 years ago. Scrolling through the countless pictures on my smartphone, I can’t believe what we managed to do and to see in such a short time: visiting the White House press room, Capitol Hill, Empire State Building, talking to policy advisors and experts – and most importantly to wonderful colleagues in various US media outlets such as the New York Times, MSNBC, Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, WUSA, WAMU and many more. Before participating in the program, my view on the US was quite distant and very much focused on the upcoming presidential race between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, also the military support the US provides for Ukraine. After having spent three weeks in the States and talked with our speakers and hosts, with Democrats and Republicans, with colleagues and others, my picture has become much more diverse. After all, many people I talked to were not satisfied with both candidates that are running for the presidency, were concerned about the rising cost of living and other domestic issues such as the situation at the border. European security, NATO and Russia’s war in Ukraine, however, were hardly an issue for most of the people I spoke to. In that sense, the RIAS program helped me to gain a much more realistic view and a better understanding about what is at stake for the voters that will head to the ballots in November.
Personally, I can say that I feel now much closer to the people living in the US, since I got to know so many great individuals in Washington, New York and of course, in Tyler, Texas. I’m curious how the experiences I made during the program will impact my further reporting and my career as a journalist and I look forward to applying the new knowledge acquired. At the moment, the only thing I know is that I really want to visit the US again soon. This time, I’m very sure, it won’t take another 15 years.
Sarah Möller, ARD-Tagesthemen, Hamburg
As a journalist, I usually don’t lack words. But so shortly after my return to Germany, I must say, I am speechless about what I have experienced in the past weeks. There are so many impressions that will accompany me not only in the coming weeks and months but also moments that I will remember for the rest of my life. I am deeply impressed by people like Gordon Huie, who as a “triple survivor” conveys the painful memory of 9/11 and passes on what must not be forgotten. By a Jewish community that preserves its history and way of life despite an ever more rapidly connecting and changing world. The experiences of the refugees who made it across the Mexican border to Texas have deeply moved me. I am very grateful for the opportunity to speak with them. Over the past three weeks, I have learned a lot: about political America, which I can now understand better and which will also benefit my work. About the people who have always welcomed me openly. Their interest and kindness have strengthened my desire to return and live in the USA for a while. Through RIAS, I have had the opportunity to experience interesting conversation partners, and I have met wonderful colleagues whom I can now call friends. Thank you, RIAS, for these opportunities. A very special thanks to Erik and the selection committee for choosing me to be a part of this fantastic selection. Thank you, Pam, for excellent organization and incredible shared time! I am excited and proud to now be a RIAS alumna.
Katharina Kuhnert, RTL/NTV, Berlin
I will never forget how quiet the Dallas Fort Worth Airport was when President Joe Biden arrived there. You could hear a pin drop. No other planes were starting or landing and no reporter said a word. Everyone was just staring at the Air Force One coming closer. The three weeks with RIAS have been full of highlights, but to see the President of the United States walking out of his plane (without tripping) definitely stood out the most. Apart from that, I saw my very first NBA basketball game during my “station week”. And the Dallas Mavericks even won! To get the chance to also attend the press conference afterwards, was just the icing on the cake. All in all, during the time in Washington DC, New York and Dallas I’ve learned so much not only about US politics and journalism, but also about the American society. It was really touching to see, for example, that 9/11 is still a very emotional topic. I’ll always remember where I had been at that day, but to learn from Gordon Huie what it actually felt like to be at the World Trade Center when it happened and how this day changed his life, was absolutely moving. I’m very thankful that he keeps sharing his story and his feelings so openly. A super interesting experience was also walking around Williamsburg with Frieda Vizel. She gave us a very good insight on the Hasidic Jewish community and on kosher food. I could go on forever with listing things that I take back home, as each and everyday was full of new ideas and impressions. So I just wanna thank RIAS and everyone who contributed to the program for an unforgettable experience. I’m very happy and proud to be part of the RIAS family now!
Theresa Salentin, WDR, Cologne
I am currently sitting at the airport in Chicago, O’Hare. Three weeks of inspiring encounters in America come to an end. Three weeks with American enthusiasts and new friends from Germany. A once-in-a-lifetime-opportunity. I am so grateful for the new perspectives and all the interviews we had, sharing our thoughts on life while exploring Washington D.C. and New York together. Thanks to Gordon Huie, one of the most humble and inspiring people I’ve ever met so far. Thanks to Esther and Larry who shared their endless enthusiasm with us. Your passion for journalism is contagious! And finally, thanks to my Chicago hosts Ryan and Erik, who let me into their world of broadcasting, showing me how American Radio and TV really works, and of course Second City was a blast! I ended this trip literally diving into American culture. It’s snowing in Chicago – but we meet up anyways – at Lake Michigan – like the Friday Morning Swim Club – 7am sharp for a polar plunge. I’m dipping my feet and legs into the cold water with new American friends. So that’s how I am leaving America: refreshed with enthusiasm, inspired by these great people, and a little overwhelmed by all the new stories I get to tell when I’m back home. Thank you so much RIAS, especially Pam Ortega, Anne and Caroline Williams! An unforgettable trip!
Fabian Hoffmann, REGIOCAST radio network, Leipzig
One of the busiest airports in the world and it is absolutely quiet as I am standing on the tarmac. Because when the President of the United States arrives at an airport with Air Force One, everything else has to come to a halt. Yes, I was there when Joe Biden arrived at Dallas Fort Worth airport on his way to two fundraisers for his re-election campaign.
For me as a journalist who also covers U.S. politics, to see him there up close was an unreal moment which I still can’t quite believe. But that is, of course, not all. During our three week spring program with RIAS there were plenty of these moments. To meet a triple survivor of 9/11 and feel the depth of pain for a single person and the country as a whole was as incredible as to walk around in the Hasidic community in Williamsburg where there is a completely different world just a river away from Manhattan. Next to that, it was absolutely fantastic to have some “pinch me”/ fanboy moments, e.g., when meeting WNBC anchor Michael Gargiulo or Charlie Pellett, Bloomberg anchor and voice of the New York City subway. This, plus seeing the U.N. and its security council, being on top of the Empire State Building, visiting the White House and Capitol Hill, watching a live TV broadcast in the studio and exchanging thoughts and ideas with a broad variety of journalists, policy advisors and experts made this trip so special. To get a contrast to the big east coast cities, Texas was the best choice to make. There is a completely different feeling which was very unique to me – even in a large city like Dallas. With our visits to the local ABC and FOX stations and also the FOX News Channel, my colleague Katharina and I got a good overview of the current topics and discussions in this important election year. Also, the food we had was amazing – from BBQ to tacos. Not to forget the awesome opportunity not only to attend a Dallas Mavericks game but also the post-game press conference. The most inspiring thing I can take with me from the program and the meetings with U.S. journalists is their passion for the job, their hard work which they made look so easy and the constant reassurance of how important journalism is around the world.
An especially big thank you next to Erik Kirschbaum, Anne Williams and Adam Reiss for organizing this program, thanks to Pam Ortega who did also a fantastic job in managing our group in Washington and New York. I also have to express my deep gratitude for our hosts in Dallas, Jason Whitely, Dan Godwin and Maggie Kerkman, for going above and beyond to make this experience so unforgettable.
Ivana Drmić, DPA audio/visual, Brussels
Having a fan moment at the iconic New York Times, seeing how journalists at the Wall Street Journal are reminded of their detained colleague Evan Gershkovich in every corner of the building, following journalists in a small Texas town– these are only a few memorable moments of the three-week RIAS fellowship. RIAS proved to be an expansive program, offering a broad view – of national and local views – in a country that is bigger and much more diverse than I sometimes myself wanted to believe.
In times of polarization and much discussion about biased media we had the chance to sit down with multiple news initiatives that try to include “the other side”. We discussed with political analysts and advisors our European perspective on the US and what to expect from the US elections, migration, economy and geopolitics.
We listened to the White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre in the Harlem’s Abyssinian Church, we met the co-founder of Black Lives Matter of Greater New York and went to the African American History and Culture Museum in DC. At the United Nations, I even ran into Josep Borrell, the EU’s foreign affairs chief. The program had numerous surprises in store for me. And then came my station week: Bryan-College Station in Texas, never heard of it before. 70,000 students and 300,000 inhabitants and a football stadium with a capacity of over 100,000 seats, which is a lot more than the biggest soccer stadium in Germany. I met dedicated, hospitable journalists covering stories ranging from the high number of incarcerated veterans, some of whom are even on death row, to the overlooked Native American community facing multiple disappearances. I got the chance to follow meteorologists who continuously raise awareness about climate change – which appears to be a regular battle against those believing climate change is a hoax. I saw first-hand what impact a college can have on a town. Then came the real eye-opener: a trip down to the Mexican border. As I came face to face with that infamous border wall, we sat down with migrants who were sharing their terrifying journey to the US. Their reasons and dreams of a better life on the other side hit me deep and left a lasting impression that I won’t be forgetting. We visited Mission Border Hope, an about 30-people-strong organization helping those crossing the border, supplying food, clothes, showers and a place to rest. One woman, 31-weeks-pregnant, told us she started her journey from Venezuela on February 1 with her husband. Once they crossed the Rio Grande, the day before, she was separated from him. Migration, a topic that had followed us from day one of the RIAS program, became even more tangible for me. Most important of all: I met incredible people and made long-lasting memories which will stay with me.
Alexander Moritz, German public radio (DLF), Leipzig
Wow! The past three weeks have been an incredible adventure.
Obviously, as a political journalist I was very happy to grasp some behind-the-scenes-feelings during the background talks at the United Nations HQ, the US Capitol and for example with the ADL about their fight against antisemitism. And OMG – I’ve been in the White House press briefing room! But what made this trip really special are the people: The community at the Abyssinian Church in Harlem who invited us to their Sunday service – a very political event indeed. Frieda who showed us around the Jewish-Orthodox community in Williamsburg where she grew up. Gordon who shared with us his memories of the 9/11 attack on the WTC which he barely survived. And all the RIAS alumni who welcomed us to their newsrooms. People I would not have the chance to meet without the RIAS program.
And of course there was Lynn, my wonderful host at WFSU in Tallahassee. She showed me around the Florida State Capitol and the journalism school at FAMU (where she had graduated) – one of about 100 Historically Black Colleges and Universities created after the abolition of slavery under the condition of racial segregation. It was striking to see that even half a century after the Civil Rights Movement FAMU still has mostly Black students whereas neighboring Florida State University remains predominantly white. Talking with Lynn about her perspective as a Black female journalist in the south added so much to all we had experienced in D.C. and New York. Also, she sent me to the beautiful Wakulla Springs – were I saw alligators, manatees and dozens of birds and learned that the spring served as a popular filming location (e.g. 1940’s Tarzan). I return to Germany full of memories and with the strong feeling that this was not my last transatlantic journey. Thanks to the many RIAS Alumni who made this all possible, my fellow colleagues (both American and German) and my lovely host Lynn!
Madleen König, ZDF, Mainz
“People in Texas like guns” says an instructor at a shooting range in San Antonio. He points out that Texas is the complete opposite of Washington, and I can’t help but agree. It’s my last day in the United States, and I can hardly believe that the past three weeks have flown by so quickly. However, each day spent in Washington D.C., New York, and now Texas felt like a lifetime. One day, we were in the briefing room of the White House, and the next, I was standing with my host Yami in front of the US-Mexico border. It’s been a whirlwind of conversations, encounters, moments, knowledge, sadness, and joy. As I prepare to return to Germany, I wonder how I’ll possibly describe these past three weeks. It feels like there are simply no words to do them justice. I am coming back to Germany with a much better understanding of the United States. I am grateful for everything I have experienced, and I am sure that for years to come I will recall these experiences and also think back to my nine fellows, who made the three weeks even more special. Thanks so much, RIAS Commission, for making all this possible!
Jana Hennig, MDR, Leipzig
The building next to me only has broken windows. The footpath I’m standing on is full of broken glass. The meadow behind me is full of rubbish
I’m north of St. Louis. The journalist Deion Boxton has his microphone in his hand, looks into the camera, it is his live broadcast for the six o’clock news. Suddenly I see a young man wearing a yellow jogging suit coming down the path. He heads straight for Deion. Oh, I think, he’s about to walk through the picture, I should stop him and kindly ask him to go around the outside. Or not? Will the cameraman do it? Too late. He walks between Deion and the camera with a provocative gait and his hood pulled low over his face. He’s now on the six o’clock news too. Deion finishes going live just a few seconds later. And is angry. Crap, I say, I should have stopped him. Deion looks at me in disbelief – no, for God’s sake, you can never do that here – he pulls out a pistol and shoots you! Where have I ended up here in March 2024? In Missouri, the Midwest. There you can buy revolvers at Walmart – next to canned tangerines and fruit yogurt. Is it appropriate to start this report like this? There have been six shootings here in the past few days. Five fatalities, including a child, two years old, the local news stations I visit reports. The journalists I talk to all say the same thing: it’s terrible, we don’t know where the way out might be. I ask whether they have weapons themselves.
Yes, some say. At home. Locked in. You have to defend yourself. If I had one too, would I live here? St. Louis is the contrast that everyone has been talking about in crazy New York and impressive Washington where this incredibly interesting journey began three weeks ago. What do you have to do to meet there some curious and good-humored journalists in a hotel lobby early in the morning for two weeks? You have to be with the RIAS Commission program and to meet Pam Ortega as a guide, as well as a few other great organizational talents in Berlin and Washington. They all made it possible for us ten journalists from Germany to talk to colleagues, activists and contemporary witnesses. We met dynamic women like Claire Toeniskoetter of The New York Times and Olivia Reingold of The Free Press; we listened to those who have been writing smart analysis for decades at Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal and NBC. Even UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric, with his extremely tight daily schedule, had time for us. Just like Scott Richman, who told us about the goals and concerns of the Anti-Defamation League and about the Hamas terrorist attacks of October 7th and the following war in Middle East which changed his already difficult task once more. Christian Penichet-Paul from the National Immigration Forum had carefully prepared analyses, facts and figures for us to explain the problems the USA is facing with immigration – a topic that concerns many of us in Germany as well. What a great experience to see how energetic, friendly and enthusiastic all these people followed their calling and then also had time for all of our questions and (!) group photos. Many thanks to everyone who made all of this possible. And thanks also to those who showed us their most important places in Washington and New York, Deepa Shivaram, Larry Miller, Esther Ciammachilli, Frieda Vizel and Gordon Huie, who as a survivor, helper and relative of a victim is share his story about 9/11 in a way that none of us had ever heard before. Just as impressively, albeit in a completely different way, Frieda captivated us with her knowledge of the Hasidic Community in Williamsburg. Walking through the streets with her, going into the little candy store, bakery and kosher diner, learning all the peculiarities and about the history of these people was very enlightening. And Missouri?
Perhaps that was the most important part of the trip – seeing up close the everyday life of American colleagues, doing quite hard jobs, often more than 40 hours a week with 15-20 days of vacation per year only, on three-year contracts and sometimes under very dangerous circumstances. Nevertheless they had time to care for a journalist from Germany and to work out a whole week’s plan before like Deion Broxton did for me in St. Louis. This is how I was able to get to know Suzie Herman and John Pertzborn – two RIAS alumni as well. Suzie and Deion showed me the beautiful part of St. Louis: a church from 1988 that looks like it is over 1000 years old, a chess museum with an ongoing championship and the arts museum – located within “The Forest“, the largest city park of the United States and full of arts treasures of german origin: by Gerhard Richter, Anselm Kiefer and the Leipzig born painter Max Beckmann. This is where this unforgettable journey comes full circle and this time I know it for sure: nothing is as it seems at first glance. Especially not in America.
Anne Williams, RIAS Commissioner
I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to participate in the Washington week of our RIAS exchange program — Washington being my second home. The thoughtful conversations with speakers on topics ranging from Ukraine to Israel, budget issues to immigration, the upcoming elections and the wide range of opinions of U.S. voters kept all of us thinking, questioning, and discussing among ourselves long after the official presentations concluded. By day, learning about the US legislative and political process, the nuances underlying many issues and what currently weighs on the minds of the American people, and by night, hosting an American cookout or enjoying dinner at a college pub! What an honor and pleasure to spend the week with this talented, accomplished group. I hope to see them at the RIAS prize award ceremony in Berlin and stay in touch as we continue to grow our RIAS alumni community!
Pam Ortega, U.S. Coordinator
I had the honor of accompanying 10 dynamic, intelligent and curious German journalists through Washington D.C. and New York City. Our journey began in DC, with an array of meetings including a visit to the White House, meetings with politicians, journalists and immigration experts. It’s magical to witness American and German journalists come together, to not only discuss journalism, but to build friendships, so much so the bonding continued over karaoke. Among my favorite encounters was the NYC RIAS Mixer, where despite the mixer ending at 8 PM we stayed until 9 PM, when we were kindly asked to leave, no worries we continued celebrating the RIAS spirit elsewhere. The program ending is not the end, but just the beginning of the RIAS life long bond!
March 12, 2024
Four Germans, one American selected as 2024 RIAS Media Prize winners
The RIAS Berlin Commission announced five winners from this year’s annual RIAS Media Prize Awards competition on Tuesday. The annual award is presented by the German-American exchange program and celebrates some of the best of transatlantic broadcast journalism with 10,000 EUR in prize-money awarded. The jury made up of six distinguished journalists from the United States and Germany selected the five winners in TV, Radio, Digital Media and fellow categories submitted from across the United States and Germany.
The German-American jury was comprised of: Co-chair Michael Gargiulo (WNBC TV, New York), Co-chair Anja Heyde (ZDF/MDR, Berlin/Magdeburg) as well as Helge Fuhst (ARD, Hamburg), Melissa Eddy (The New York Times, Berlin), Larry Miller (WUSA9, Washington DC), and Christian Wilp (NTV/RTL, Berlin).
The RIAS Berlin Commission will honor the winners at a gala ceremony on June 3, in Berlin. The RIAS Berlin Commission, created to keep alive the spirit of the legendary Radio in American Sector (RIAS) broadcaster after it went off the air for good in 1993, has been operating exchange programs for more than 2,000 German and American broadcast journalists since 1993 with the aim of promoting transatlantic understanding in journalism.
Here are the winners of the RIAS Media Prize 2024:
RIAS Grand Prize – Sigrid Faltin, MDR, “Flucht in den Osten – G.I.s in der DDR” (Escape to the East – G.I.s in the GDR)
RIAS TV Award – Heinke Schröder, SWR, “Auswandern nach Amerika – Fluch oder Segen?” (Emigrating to America – curse or blessing?)
RIAS Radio Award – Iska Schreglmann, Florian Kummert, Susi Weichselbaumer, BR, “Deutsche in den USA” (Germans in the USA)
RIAS Digital Media Award – Andreas Becker, Nicolas Martin, Deutsche Welle, “Cannabis Cowboys – a story about big dreams, juicy money and never-ending hype”
RIAS Fellow Award – Lane Luckie, KLTV, for series of seven spot news reports from Germany during a RIAS fellowship program to Cologne and Munich
Here are the jury commendations:
RIAS Grand Prize – Sigrid Faltin, MDR, “Flucht in den Osten – G.I.s in der DDR” (Escape to the East – G.I.s in the GDR)
A compelling story about three American soldiers who deserted to Communist East Germany to start new lives behind the Iron Curtain sheds light on a little-known aspect of the Cold War: more than 200 NATO soldiers, mostly Americans, deserted. As Sigrid Faltin shows in her powerful film, political reasons were rarely behind their desire to leave the West. Instead, they were trying to find romance, seeking to avoid punishment for petty crimes and hoping to escape racial discrimination.
RIAS TV Award – Heinke Schröder, SWR, “Auswandern nach Amerika – Fluch oder Segen?” (Emigrating to America – curse or blessing?)
“Auswandern nach Amerika – Flucht oder Segen ” is the winner of the RIAS Media Prize for television. The Francisco Family sees the USA as a land of unlimited possibilities, unlike Germany. They move to Florida with 13 suitcases and not a lot of preparation. The jury chose this entry because of its personal story of one family’s American dream , and the following reality.
RIAS Radio Award – Iska Schreglmann, Florian Kummert, Susi Weichselbaumer, BR, “Deutsche in den USA” (Germans in the USA)
We all know the history of Germans in the U.S.A., or so we thought. In their deeply researched and reported entry, Iska Schreglmann, Florian Kummert and Susi Weichselbaumer, reveal the extent of those roots, why they were covered up and how they are being revived again today. Through the voices of German-Americans, from seniors who can remember being torn between their German heritage and their American upbringing to a revolutionary from Prussia, who emigrated to Wisconsin launched himself on a path to become U.S. Secretary of the Interior under Abraham Lincoln, their radio piece surprises and teaches listeners about the ties that influence us today.
RIAS Digital Media Award – Andreas Becker, Nicolas Martin, Deutsche Welle, “Cannabis Cowboys – a story about big dreams, juicy money and never-ending hype”
The podcast Cannabis Cowboys is the winner of the RIAS Media Prize in the Category: Digital. Andreas Becker and Nicolas Martin tell the scam story of the Berlin start-up Juicy Fields, which promises investors that they can get rich with medical cannabis. The jury sees this podcast as a brilliant piece of research and a crime story at the same time, spanning from Berlin to the big cannabis giants in the USA and Russia. Captivatingly told and an insight into how business crime works today.
RIAS Fellow Award – Lane Luckie, KLTV, for series of seven spot news reports from Germany during a RIAS fellowship program to Cologne and Munich
In a series of seven live reports from Germany to Tyler, Texas, Lane Luckie delivers content that effectively examines the unique relationship between the United States and Germany. In one report from Munich, Luckie showcases the NFL’s efforts to enhance its footprint in Germany thanks to a new deal and measurable growth abroad. During that report, Luckie demonstrated his knowledge of both countries and how America’s favorite pastime continues to gain new ground. Especially impressive was that Luckie’s live shots were performed individually as a ‘one man band’; a sign that he is capable of writing, shooting, and editing his own content.
March 4, 2024
German journalists start three-week RIAS Berlin Commission fellowship in the USA
A group of 10 German broadcasting journalists arrived in Washington DC on March 4 for the start of a three-week RIAS Berlin Commission fellowship. The German journalists, many of them seasoned mid-career broadcasters, came from commercial and public broadcasting networks from across Germany. They will be spending their first two weeks together in Washington DC and then New York City meeting American and German journalists, politicians, think tank analysts and other RIAS alumni. The German journalists will spread out across the country to spend their third week at local stations in the Midwest, South and Southwest with RIAS alumni from the USA serving as hosts. Here are short thumbnail sketches from the German journalists:
Sarah Möller, ARD-Tagesthemen, Hamburg is an editor and anchor for the German public broadcaster ARD. She works for several BR radio stations as well as ARD-aktuell, especially for daily news programs, such as. ‘tagesthemen’.
Alexander Moritz, German public radio (DLF), Leipzig is a radio journalist for the German public broadcaster “Deutschlandfunk,” working as a regional correspondent in Saxony in Eastern Germany. His reporting centers on domestic politics, with a specific focus on the ongoing transformation of post-communist society and the emergence of populist far-right movements. Moritz holds a master’s degree in political science and European Studies.
Madleen König, ZDF, Mainz is a managing editor and reporter at ZDF German Television. She works in the newsroom of ZDF heute, which is ZDF’s digital news service. König is responsible for managing ZDF social media accounts across different platforms. Additionally, König heads up the social media teaching department at the University of Mainz.
Raphael Jung, ARD & RBB, Berlin is a reporter for the German public broadcaster RBB and has worked as a senior editor for the ARD national news program, Mittagsmagazin. Speaking Polish and Russian fluently, his special focus is on Central Eastern European politics. Jung has been reporting as a videographer from Poland, Ukraine, and Russia. Currently, he is a back-up reporter for the ARD correspondents in Warsaw.
Jana Hennig, MDR, Leipzig is a reporter and editor for the German public broadcaster ARD since more than 20 years. Hennig works for a daily television news program in Leipzig. Being interested in the development and transformation of societies, she is a specialist on news as well as international and regional current affairs. She also covers topics concerning East Germany since she grew up there. Her hobbies are yoga, reading and traveling, hiking in particular.
Katharina Kuhnert, RTL/NTV, Berlin works as a political correspondent for the commercial TV networks RTL and NTV. She is an on-air reporter for the RTL morning show “Punkt 6” and regularly hosts the ntv’s “Frühstart”, a daily interview program. She studied Communication Science and Islamic Studies. Therefore she also has a particular interest in the Middle East.
Theresa Salentin, WDR, Cologne works for the German public broadcaster WDR, presenting daily weather updates for various WDR radio stations, and for WDR television in case of extreme weather events. She is a reporter and content creator for WDR outdoor adventures. Salentin worked for several years as a news anchor for local radio stations, and she hosted a morning news podcast by the Frankfurt Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper.
Fabian Hoffmann, REGIOCAST radio network, Leipzig is an editor, anchor and reporter for REGIOCAST. He writes and presents the hourly updates of local, national and international news. Hoffmann studied American Studies in Leipzig and Journalism in Chicago where he also hosted his own radio show.
Ivana Drmić, DPA audio/visual, Brussels is the managing editor at dpa’s European Newsroom in Brussels, multimedia hub with 23 news agencies. Pior to that role, she worked for Deutsche Welle and the political news channel phoenix in Bonn. She is fluent in Croatian with family ties in Croatia.
Janna Linke, RTL/NTV, Cologne is an anchor, reporter, editor and podcaster for the German commercial broadcaster RTL. She works for the news channel NTV, especially for the business desk. Linke focusses on business, startups, finances, and digitalization.
February 13, 2024
Helena Kane Finn joins RIAS Berlin Commission board
Helena Kann Finn, a career diplomat at the U.S. Department of State, has rejoined the supervisory board of the RIAS Berlin Commission. Dr. Finn previously, as Minister-Counselor for Public Affairs at the U.S. Embassy in Berlin, served as chair and co-chair of the German-American exchange program for broadcasting journalists from 2007-2010. She also remained on the board as one of the five American commissioners on the Berlin-based binational organization until 2020, often helping visiting German journalists taking part on RIAS programs in New York. She served as President of the DAAD/AA USA German-American academic exchange board from 2019 – 2022, prior to that, she held the position of Vice President of the American Council on Germany, based in New York, from 2010 to 2017.
In her three decade career at the State Department, Dr. Finn was also Counselor for Public Affairs at the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv (2003-2007) and before that Acting Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (2000-2001), where she was responsible for the State Department’s global academic, professional and youth exchanges, including Fulbright and the International Visitor program. She has also served overseas as Counselor for Public Affairs at the U.S. Embassy in Ankara, Turkey, the U.S. Embassy in Vienna and was the Public Affairs Officer and Director of the Amerika Haus in Frankfurt-Main. She has been the desk officer for Greece, Turkey and Cyprus following culture affairs tours in Lahore and Islamabad, Pakistan.
January 22, 2024
Deadline nears for RIAS Berlin Media Prize competition entries on January 31
Journalists in the United States and Germany are invited and encouraged to submit entries by January 31, 2024 for the $10,000 RIAS Media Prize competition. It’s a transatlantic competition with American and German radio, TV and digital journalists putting up their best work on issues that touch upon transatlantic issues broadcast in 2023 — anything from political campaigns in the USA from a German perspective, the impact of the climate crisis on both countries or interesting stories on any other issue with a transatlantic angle.
The 2024 winners in the radio, TV and digital categories are invited to take part in the gala awards ceremony in Berlin on June 3, 2024. RIAS alumni who worked on a story during their fellowships or shortly thereafter are also encouraged to submit their work for a special “fellow award” category. The independent jury will review all entries submitted by January 31, 2024 in February and the winners will be announced shortly afterwards. The winning entries will receive $1,000 in prize money while one grand prize winner selected by the jury will receive $5,000. Some of the recent winning entries have included Wolf Blitzer from CNN, Bill Whitaker from CBS News “60 Minutes”, and Clare Toenskoetter from The New York Times’ podcast The Daily.
Here is a link with more information about how to submit your entries. Also, please encourage other journalists you may know to apply — or whose work you may have seen or heard.
Ideally entries submitted will:
- go beyond daily and routine reporting
- Promote dialogue on similarities and differences between the two countries
- stood out thematically and/or in their execution
- take on new questions in a creative way
- critically examine and make diversity of social reality clear
- contain interesting ideas for transatlantic debate
- encourage reflection on problems and solutions
- Question clichés about Germans or Americans
- describe trends in everyday life of general interest
- contribute to mutual curiosity and understanding
- strengthen democratic and societal values
Please write to for further information.
November 24, 2023
Call for Entries for the 2024 RIAS Media Prize
After Wolf Blitzer of CNN won the 2023 Grand Prize of this year’s RIAS Media Prize competition, the RIAS Berlin Commission has once again opened the annual competition for the 2024 awards with a Call for Entries.
Journalists in Germany and the United States are encouraged to consider submitting stories they have done or worked on (or saw or heard or know about) that aired in 2023 — outstanding stories that touched upon a transatlantic issue or had a global message. Many of the recent winners have learned about the RIAS Media Prize thanks to word-of-mouth – including CNN’s Wolf Blitzer.
The prizes will honor outstanding stories broadcast in 2023. There will be a total of $10,000 (10,000 EUR) in prize money awarded for exceptional radio, TV and digital stories that touch upon a transatlantic topic – including stories about Germany that appear in US media and stories about the United States that appear in German media. There is also a category for best fellow prize to be awarded to journalists who did their reporting on a RIAS fellowship or were inspired to do their story or stories on RIAS fellowship in recent years.
The RIAS Media Prize is designed to strengthen the diversity of transatlantic dialogue and deepen interest in German-American relations.
The deadline for entries is January 31, 2024
Ideally the contributions submitted should:
- go beyond daily and routine reportings
- promote dialogue on similarities and differences
between the two countries - stand out thematically and/or in their executionhematically and/or in their execution
- take on new questions in a creative way
- critically examine and make diversity of social
reality clear - contain interesting ideas for transatlantic debate
- encourage reflection on problems and solutions
- question clichés about Germans or Americans
- describe trends in everyday life of general interest
- contribute to mutual curiosity and understanding
- strengthen democratic and societal values
The RIAS Berlin Commission is planning to have the annual awards ceremony honoring the winners in Berlin on June 3.
Here is more information about the RIAS Media Prize.
November 3, 2023
RIAS Alumni reflect on week spent in Los Angeles
Twenty-three German alumni spent a week in Los Angeles learning about California politics, national politics and journalism in the US The program included visits to NBC, NPR, ARD, KABC, KTLA and meetings with LAist journalists. In addition the group met with former Governor Pete Wilson and Richard Grenell, former United States Ambassador to Germany.
Damla Hekimoğlu, Hamburg
Los Angeles – it might seem like a world for the rich and famous. However, this image is showing some cracks. The massive wealth gap – it’s worrisome. We saw this on the first day of the trip. We started on Skid Row: one of the most dangerous places in America, tents to the right and left where people sleep, the streets are filthy, a pungent odor in the air from people who probably haven’t showered for weeks or maybe even months . Approximately 15,000 homeless people live here, some of them are addicted to hard drugs. Violence is part of their daily life – the place, as we were told, the police have all but abandoned. In sharp contrast, just a few hours later, we found ourselves in a splendid office building in Beverly Hills. A fresh scent as you enter the lobby, velvet sofas on both sides, the floor so clean you could probably eat off it. At the shiny marble table, the focus was not on the existential struggle for survival as in Skid Row but on matters related to major statewide politics. Bringing these two experiences and images together in your mind and processing them – it’s a real challenge. Private conversations afterwards with other RIAS alumni who felt something similar helped us come to terms with all that. And that’s exactly what enriches the journey – in addition to all the exciting appointments with major players in LA, it’s the multifaceted perspectives of RIAS alumni that broaden horizons, provoke thought, and inspire us all. Because we see this first hand: Hollywood is showing cracks. The Hollywood Museum – still fascinating but somewhat outdated, the Walk of Fame remains impressive – but not quite up to date in a time when some social media influencers receive more attention than the classic Hollywood stars of yesterday. The presence of these cracks was also experienced firsthand on the way to NBC, just a few meters away from Disney and Netflix – people walking around with posters, chanting slogans. Actresses and actors from the SAG-AFTRA union have been on strike for months, demanding better pay, increased production budgets – and resisting the potential replacement by Artificial Intelligence. Films featuring AI versions of actors could become a reality in the future. The text here could already be AI-generated, and a trip to Los Angeles – one can already experience it from the comfort of their home using a VR headset. However, what will remain, at least for now, are the real encounters we had, which no AI can replace. Thanks to everyone who made this possible.
Gesa Eberl, Cologne
How do you manage to go live on air with 25 German journalists on a local station? The Americans make it easy. They are masters of improvisation, repartee and entertainment, especially in the media! And so, during a visit to KTLA, thanks to host “Lu Parker,” we simply stood at the anchor desk for the end of the show! Between Beverly Hills and Skidrow, neutral political analysts and Republican hardliners, between striking actors and German cultural fellows in Villa Aurora and the Thomas Mann House, between burgers and tacos, between sandy beaches and hills – A journey to a city full of contrasts, but which represents the variance, the beauty and the brutal dark side of the whole country and thus the brokenness. Los Angeles has also changed in recent years. Glamor was then, today the red carpet remains empty. The RIAS Commission made it possible for us to have a week that is second to none. Without the warm support of the US alumni, we would not have had this intensive insight into the metropolis of millions from all the different perspectives! How grateful we can be to belong to this network. Colleagues who become heartfelt encounters in the US as well as in this country. Thank you to all who helped organize this trip. Thank you #riascommission
Anja Heyde, Berlin
We’re on the bus. In Los Angeles! Everyone warned us about this. They said it was too dangerous. Well, first and foremost, bus rides in Los Angeles are one thing: long. Everything takes time in LA That’s the first thing I learned on this RIAS trip.
And that you can go by bus from the most luxurious part of town to the poorest. The 720 goes from Beverly Hills to Skid Row. We took it several times because you can appreciate the extremes of this country on this one ride. Even without getting off.
But we got off many times. Not only in skid row. Probably the hardest appointment of our RIAS trip. To see how a small team without government funding tries to fight homelessness in LA is at the same time impressive and terrifying.
And we got off at 7abc news, at the mayor of Beverly Hills, at NBC, at Garry South, a political strategist, at the Wende Museum and at the Thomas Mann House.
We were wanderers between the extremes. Between the California lifestyle and tent cities on sidewalks. Doors were opened to us that explained America a little better again – with all its contradictions. Thank you RIAS, for this great experience!
Christian Wilp, Berlin
10,000 cameras ensure full transparency. 10,000 cameras on traffic lights, buildings and power poles in a city with 34,000 inhabitants. And the population, says the police chief, fully supports this China feeling in Beverly Hills, California. The problems of the greater Los Angeles area, such as crime and homelessness, are thus largely kept at bay, but have not been eliminated.
Fortunately, our tour group is anything but camera shy. Most of the participants of this RIAS alumni tour work in front of or behind a camera, so the hotel location in the middle of the showcase village with the euphonious name is perfectly chosen.
From Maison 140, as our boutique hotel is called, the cosmos of LA is explored a bit. By Uber, Lyft, on foot and, quite crazy, by bus or even bicycle. It’s straight into the wilderness of contradictions. To Skid Row, where thousands camp out in tents on the street. To sophisticated Pacific Palisades to the residences of the Feuchtwangers and Manns. To various radio stations that are desperately trying to fight social media. To Hollywood, which has definitely seen better days. And last but not least, to the convention center around the corner, where the left-wing, right-wing and centrist talking heads vividly illustrate the country’s divisions.
In short: a week of pressure refueling with content from politics, society and culture. And all of this under the banner of the RIAS Berlin Commission. Its tireless as well as intrepid representative Erik Kirschbaum manages to breathe turgid life into the dry talk of “promoting transatlantic relations.”
PS: For sure, the cameras also recorded the strange movement profile of the German squad. I wonder what the officers were thinking?
Susan Falkenstein, Munich
By bus from glamorous Beverly Hills to streets full of homeless tents to the dangerous neighborhood of Skid Row. Such contrasts presented themselves on the RIAS alumni trip to Los Angeles. We exchanged ideas with Jürgen Klinsmann, the ex-coach of the German national soccer team. He explained why his new South Korean team recently lost a match: Because a younger player, conscious of tradition, didn’t want to tell an older player what he was doing wrong. We met US alumni who, inspired by the RIAS spirit, gave us a tour of their television stations, NBC and KTLA. The meeting with the ex-US ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, remains in the memory. In Trumpian fashion, he enumerated alleged facts: Corona was a kind of flu and China had a mature peace plan for Ukraine. He parried objections from our side with the sweeping sentence that all German journalists are “lefties.” The USA, Los Angeles, a country, a city of contrasts, that’s what I took with me from this special RIAS trip and the memory of the special journalists with whom I was able to share my experiences. Thank you RIAS!
Andreas Büttner, Berlin
After I had my RIAS Station Week in Los Angeles last year, it was clear to me: I have to be there for the Alumni Program this year in LA. On the one hand, to see my host Frank Mottek again. On the other hand, to get to know more about this fascinating city and its people. What kind of organization manages to host meetings with the former governor of California, the homeless charity on Skid Row, the mayor of Beverly Hills, the former US ambassador to Germany and many, many TV stations in one week? I can tell you: RIAS can do it! But what really makes this alumni program is not the Los Angeles weather. It’s not just the high-level meetings with politicians and institutions. It’s above all: that you get to share these experiences with such incredibly great journalists from Germany. I am infinitely grateful for every new acquisition and draw so much strength from it for my job and my private life. I look forward to participating in future alumni programs. These programs give many journalists the opportunity to get to know these unforgettable trips and impressive people.
Florian Sädler, Berlin
The idea to gather a handful of former RIAS fellows and send them to the US through an Alumni program turned out to be great. To me, one of the best things with RIAS is the people you meet, the connections you make – but since the network spreads across various cities, even countries, it is usually hard to get to know too many alumni outside of your usual circles.
Our LA trip did just that: gather a bunch of alumni that otherwise would have never come as close as we did on this one-week trip. The appointments were great too, as usual, giving valuable insights and kickstarting at least a story or two that would have remained untold if it was not for this trip.
I believe RIAS trips are fundamental. There is no better way to strengthen connections or even friendships among its fellows, as well as transatlantic understanding.
Annette Yang, Hamburg
A place of longing. Now we are right in the middle of it: 25 journalists in Hollywood.
We experience a city that still thrives on the glamor of days gone by: peeling plaster on historic buildings, time seems to stand still at the Hollywood Museum, the posh Jonathan Club maintains the old school.
And we meet people who are looking ahead: to get the homeless off the streets, to connect the city through public transit, to lead the media industry into the future.
Beverly Hills 2023: A Cliffhanger!
Thank you RIAS for these insights.
Theresa Greim, Munich
You will see the good, the bad and the ugly of Los Angeles. This promise, which we were told when we arrived, was 100% fulfilled. It started with the good: Our boutique hotel was located in Beverly Hills, surrounded by beautiful and well-maintained apartment buildings, mansions and restaurants where police officers sometimes serve pizza to the community for a charity event. Handsome and courteous, perfect for a souvenir photo. Some even went for a drink on the rooftop of the Waldorf Astoria with its fantastic views // “All I want to do is have some fun until the sun comes up on the Santa Monica Boulevard.” (Sheryl Crow) // The bad and the ugly are just a bus ride away. The extent of homelessness in LA is nowhere more apparent than on Skid Row. People living in tents on the littered, smelly sidewalks. The city still doesn’t seem to have a solution to the drugs, the violence and all the human misery. // “At least I have her love, the city, she loves it, lonely as I am, together we cry.” (Red Hot Chili Peppers) // Besides the good, the bad and the ugly, we were once again shown how incredibly valuable the program of the RIAS Commission is. It is the exclusive appointments with interesting politicians like Julian A Gold, Mayor of Beverly Hills, strategists like Garry South and Hollywood insiders like Frank Fastner. In addition, we gained a glimpse into the American media landscape, and some even made it briefly onto KTLA’s midday newscast. But above all, it’s the enriching conversations with our US colleagues. It helps to create a world of understanding. This one week with RIAS will resonate with me for a long time to come. // “I can feel the rhythm play. The whole night long. Guess I’ll stay in LA, and listen to this song.”(BBKing)
Julia Rubner, Dresden
Bus 720 takes us from rich to poor, from Beverly Hills to Skid Row. The driver stops too late, and so a throng of German journalists, dressed conspicuously passably, wanders through the squalor. Past people who are undoubtedly not well, past tents on sidewalks, past shopping carts full of belongings. The journey in a city of extremes cannot begin in a more eye-opening way. On this day we meet Reverend Andy Bales, the head of the Union Rescue Mission, who is trying with his team to alleviate some of the suffering. Many encounters will follow on the trip. We met the mayor of Beverly Hills, police officers, political strategists and analysts, artists at the Villa Aurora and the Thomas Mann House. Colleagues open doors for us at NBC, NPR, KTLA, KABC and the ARD studio.
Thank you RIAS and our hosts for this great alumni week in LA, thank you for exciting insights into the US-American way of life and especially thank you for this unique network of colleagues. Every encounter with you has inspired me and it will remain unforgettable. See you in Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Cologne, Munich – or even in LA, who knows. And if you are in Dresden, let me know. You are very welcome. Always.
Frauke Holzmeier, Cologne
Los Angeles – what a ride! Between art, culture, politics and social differences. It’s hard to believe how many different experiences and impressions fit into just under a week. Thanks to everyone who made this trip possible!
LA is definitely a city of contrasts. 50,000 people live on the streets here. Especially on Skid Row, you can see what that means for people. It’s all the more encouraging to see the important work Union Rescue Mission is doing to pave a way back for as many people as possible.
On the other side, rich, clean Beverly Hills with the glamor of old Hollywood. The police are upgrading technologically – 2,000 cameras monitor the goings-on in the city of 35,000. Everything for safety! And you can definitely feel safe in Beverly Hills. From discussions with former US Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell, the mayor of Beverly Hills to RTL reporter Frank Fastner – the diversity of the conversations was just great! In addition, many visits to TV stations with once again many good discussions and impressions. Thank you, RIAS! These experiences are simply priceless!
Birgit Becker, Cologne
What impressed me most on my second RIAS trip?
The people, so different from each other, represent the enormous range in the USA: we met successful people, people on their way to success, people with hopes – and also some without any hope. In the slum Skid Row and in dignified neighborhoods in Pacific Palisades. In the luxury district of Beverly Hills and in colorful Venice on Muscle Beach.
Many of them are immigrants who have found a new home in the US. They came from Germany and many other countries, fleeing hunger, poverty and political persecution. Or they came because they want to live the American dream in America, in Hollywood. For so many, the USA was and is a place of longing and a place of refuge. But not all of them manage to gain a foothold there.
(Okay, Thomas Mann wasn’t quite a typical refugee; when he came to the US from Europe in 1940, he had already won the Nobel Prize – and he left the US again in 1952, during the McCarthy era, when he became suspected of being a dangerous leftist).
We met inspiring people who have been hosting successful morning shows or evening shows and producing news in the highly competitive US TV market for many years. People who fervently adore Trump, people who are close to Hollywood greats like Schwarzenegger, smart strategists in US politics, people who have dedicated their lives to charity without regard for their own health. Intellectuals, artists and the German Consul General, who wants to explain to those in Berlin what makes Americans on the West Coast tick. And we saw Putin, as an installation in an abandoned checkpoint in Berlin – in the Wende Museum.
Above all, we met incredibly friendly and helpful colleagues who tirelessly made sure that we RIAS people got to know good conversationalists and reflected attitudes, and always stopped at the right photo spots.
Many thanks to everyone who made this trip possible! You all provided me with lasting impressions and a deeper understanding of the USA and Angelinos.
What remains for me? The resolution to keep in touch with RIAS colleagues in Germany – and to continue to show colleagues from the USA how we work in the media in Germany. I look forward to meeting new and familiar colleagues in Cologne and wherever we meet!
Marcel Grzyb, Cologne
Los Angeles – city of angels and shattered dreams, of stars and the lost. Probably nowhere else in the Western world are glamor and bitter reality so close together. For us journalists, the RIAS program once again provided unique opportunities: To immerse ourselves in the society and politics of the US West Coast, to meet exciting interlocutors and to get to know great colleagues from the US and Germany. Valuable memories and contacts that remain.
Lydia Leipert, Munich
Sun, palm trees, Beverly Hills. Sure, you know the picture from various series with the unhappily rich stars. Our RIAS alumni group was able to take a deep look into the world-famous city, which is part of LA County. We were able to learn what makes people around Rodeo Drive tick not only with the help of our great host Frank Mottek, but also, for example, during an informational speed-dating session with the city’s marketing director, a senior police officer, a chamber of commerce representative and the mayor of the city himself.
With a population of about 32,000, Beverly Hills has fewer residents than my hometown of Memmingen in the Allgäu region, but of course a very different urban structure: densely paved with high-end hotels and expensive boutiques, Beverly Hills is a “luxury city” trying to reinvent itself after Covid and worldwide conflicts.
But this appointment is only a fraction of the diverse and exciting program that the German journalists were able to experience. And quite incidentally, LA captivated us with its diversity: The shear area of the super metropolis alone was impressive, but thanks to Erik Kirschbaum we didn’t shy away from public transportation – I was even able to ride a bike several times (this is the moment when the Angelenos shake their heads, because that’s completely crazy for the city’s residents).
Thank you, thank you, thank you to all the alumni who helped organize and of course to the entire team at RIAS. It was an unforgettable week.
Gregor Schmalzried, Munich
Los Angeles is not just known as the City of Angels, but also as the City of Dreams: the place to move to for big swings and big opportunities. On our RIAS alumni trip to Los Angeles, that promise still held true. However, these days, dreams in LA have little to do with the Hollywood glamor of old. The dreams of stardom, paparazzi frenzies and red carpets are gone, and have given way to dreams of the startup world, of the AI revolution, of luxury consumer retail and of affluent social circles, aiming to separate themselves from the struggles of US inner cities (both socially and physically). As the world has changed, so has Los Angeles. And yet, in other ways, Los Angeles hasn’t changed all that much. The city is still centered around car traffic and Downtown LA’s many beautiful outdoor spots are almost never frequented by the people who actually live or work there — instead becoming gathering spots for groups of German tourists, or at least, in our case, German journalists. Thanks to the amazing RIAS alumni program, I left Los Angeles immersed in the culture and energy of the city, still replaying fascinating conversations with businesspeople, journalists and politicians in my head. Despite LA’s shortcomings (which most residents will acknowledge frequently), you can’t help but leave the city with the feeling that the echoes of the American Dream are still alive and, somehow, anything’s possible. Although, that feeling may also be about RIAS.
Dania Maria Hohn, Hamburg
Until two years ago I had never been to the US. RIAS made it possible. And RIAS did it again. My second first time in the US. With the extraordinary Rias alumni program in Los Angeles – an experience I will never forget.
I’ve met people, I never would have gotten the chance to meet (from mayors to anchors to my wonderful alumni group). Saw places I never would have thought to visit (Skid Row, Clippers Game or on air at the KTLA studio). And learned about the complexity and challenges (“or opportunities”) of Los Angeles, which I have only known from movies and shows.
The very first day of RIAS in Los Angeles showed me the immense value the alumni program offers. We went to Skid Row, one of the most dangerous streets in the US. Where Rev. Andy Bales fights homelessness and drug abuse. An almost impossible fight. We got to see the streets covered with tents while driving back downtown. Where we then met entrepreneurs for lunch in the exclusive Jonathan club. Two appointments back to back, two realities, one city. Hollywood is suffering. “The glamor is done”, we hear from the inside. But if you look close enough, you can find it. Hidden almost everywhere. From the Beverly Hills Hotel to the rooftop of every building in Los Angeles. And at Venice beach surrounded by amazing people with a Margarita in hand. I am so grateful to be a RIAS alumni.
Friedrich Steffes-lay, Berlin
It is well known that the United States of America is a country of extremes. But no newspaper report, podcast or TV documentary can explain it to you like personal experience on the ground. Thanks to RIAS, we spoke with the mayor of Beverly Hills, encircled by the flagship stores of Louis Vuitton & Co. And saw the misery of Skid Row, where homeless people and junkies house in tent cities ignored by the city. We spoke with Democratic kingmaker Garry South and Republican Trump ultra Richard Grenell. The fact that I was able to do this just a year after the great student program with the alumni program meant a lot to me and was very valuable for my journalistic horizons. And to keep the spirit alive, RIAS alumni Florian Sädler and I flew directly from Los Angeles to Kentucky afterwards, to dive straight into the next extreme.
Simone de Manso, Brussels, NATO Press Officer
Time flew during this exciting week thanks to the efforts of our RIAS friends and the hospitality of our hosts in Los Angeles. “We are not LA”, we heard from city hall officials in our temporary home Beverly Hills, happy to highlight how lucky we were to be there. As the mayor explained, Beverly Hills is a major luxury travel destination and the planned opening of a metro station there will increase access of individuals transiting through the LA network, making the “borders more porous” which is likely to bring changes. So far Beverly Hills is nearly the only neighborhood in the LA area exempt from ‘unhoused communities’. The population is aging and there is an effort to attract young investors, however a main obstacle is affordable housing, which is a challenge elsewhere as well. The housing problem in LA is visible from downtown to side streets in Santa Monica, with people surviving in tents on the sidewalks. As part of LA’s diverse media landscape, broadcasters compete with each other also in Spanish, a first language for 20% of the city’s population. We learned more about this large audience by meeting the anchor of the 5am to 7am program of KMEX Univision, who kindly joined us in the morning just after a whole night’s work. During the week we also were warmly welcomed at the TV studios of KTLA and KABC, two leading broadcasters in LA. KTLA is located next to the Sunset Bronson studios. Where there was once a film set with horses for the production of cowboy sagas, is now a neatly decorated parking lot with blue flower shrubs. Right at the entrance, a picket line with striking actors wearing matching t-shirts looked more like a party than a protest. And yet the actors’ strike had been going on for a very long time. Rising costs in LA are driving film production to other cities, while new technologies are perceived as a threat to actors and film workers’ revenues. Silicon Beach is where new technologies are thriving and the city is reinventing itself. In Santa Monica we visited DNE, a start-up developing immersive content technology for the film industry. This was our first experience with what is called “extended reality” and felt like a step into a not too far away future. The global media landscape is changing rapidly, and LA is at the forefront. Coverage of celebrities has been a main focus of journalists in Los Angeles for decades. However, with the advent of online influencers, celebrities no longer need to give television interviews to promote their films or shows. They can address the public directly online, with meticulous full control of their image, down to the lenses employed to take their pictures. As we heard from a long-standing independent TV producer, the time for celebrities on TV is over. Overall TV viewership keeps dropping and TV streaming seems to be the only way to keep young viewers on board. Thanks to the RIAS network, We also had an insightful discussion with a high-ranking diplomat from the former US administration and a stimulating exchange with a professor whose website starts with “Dan Schnur Helps You Make Sense of a Confusing Political World”. According to him, people today are in general alienated, geo-politically frightened and exhausted; and polarization in the United States is just a symptom of this. We visited the historic Jonathan Club in downtown LA and the Wende Museum in Culver City, dedicated to the Cold War; the art deco Hollywood Museum, where Max Factor turned Marilyn Monroe into an iconic blonde, the Villa Aurora where Lion Feuchtwanger lived for over a decade and the house of Thomas Mann in Pacific Palisades, both today venues for fellowship programs for artists and scholars. This was a week where I had the great pleasure to meet fellow alumni and American hosts that I want to remain in touch with, and that brought new insights about the media industry as well as intriguing questions about what will follow. Thank you RIAS!
Anna-Maria Schuck, ZDF
Los Angeles, the city of stars, of high hopes – and of shattered dreams. For me, Los Angeles is just that: a city of contrasts, reflecting the many voices of this so unequal US society like a kaleidoscope. Dazzlingly beautiful and roughly run-down. To be able to experience this contradictoriness up close in so many different encounters between Beverly Hills and Skid Row in such a short time is a real privilege. Thanks to RIAS, thanks to a wonderful group. One week in La La Land has been a blast and a real privilege!
Wiebke Keuneke, Berlin
Los Angeles has everything your heart desires: sun, beach, sea, stars, big mansions and a casual vibe. Especially on the first day we experienced the contrast between wealth and poverty within a very short time. We start in Skid Row, where thousands of homeless and unfortunately very often drug addicted people live on the streets. Investors, by the way, continue to build apartments here, except that no one wants to move here because it is far too dangerous for them. For the homeless, of course, these luxury apartments are far too expensive. So what happens? The homeless people camp out with their tents on the sidewalks in front of the vacant apartments…. This is hard to understand, much like the subsequent appointment at the Jonathan Club, which is a scant two kilometers from Skid Row and whose one- time admission fee is $85,000. In short, Los Angeles has it all – just not for everyone.
Elena Kuch, Hamburg/Berlin
Los Angeles is one of those cities that you feel like you know very well. So many iconic places: The palm trees on the side of the boulevards, a pool painted by David Hockney, the Hollywood Hills, or just a hot dog stand that has been in many movies. Because of the cultural influence, the USA is close to me. But every time I’m there, I realize that I’m actually not that familiar with it. Thanks to the RIAS network, some doors have been opened for us: We met a real Beverly Hills cop. We learned that the population of Beverly Hills has grown very old, and that this city of cars doesn’t seem to have a real idea for a traffic turnaround yet. And Hollywood? “The paint is off,” said one of our conversation guests. The doors of Universal Studios were also opened for us. But inside: Standstill because of the Actor Strike. And at TV and radio stations, similar uncertainty as in our newsrooms, because fewer and fewer people are consuming broadcast media. NBC is uploading its own newscasts to YouTube, and NPR is considering whether the future lies more in linear media again, because podcasts have so much competition. In the meantime, however, they continue to produce excellent journalism. Because California is also known for being a trendsetter, I’m confident that great ideas for the future will soon be forged here again: For journalism, the city and the film industry. Many thanks to the RIAS Berlin Commission and all alumni for this trip and the insights!
Vladimir Balzer, Berlin
What an experience! A week to remember in one of the most exciting cities in the US – Los Angeles. Well, maybe more than a city, an urban landscape with hundreds of topics to cover. We focused on some of them, one being the homelessness crisis which still makes the social divide visible and the troubles to ease it. But as always in the US, when there is a problem, there is also a common sense of civil activities to face it. The visit to the Union Rescue Mission in troubled Skid Row was impressive – to see that there is help even though not yet a solution for the problem itself. Also impressive during this inspiring alumni trip – the controversial talk with former US ambassador to Germany, Rick Grenell, who took us journalists out of our comfort zone.
Not to forget the wonderful exchanges with so many talented colleagues in different newsrooms in the LA area – most of them having been RIAS fellows and now being proud alumni. It shows: the spirit of RIAS lives on and brings journalists together for many years. So thanks to the RIAS Commission and thanks to this wonderful network of RIAS fellows!
Susanne Papawassiliu, Berlin
What a week. Who in Beverly Hills knows that there is a direct bus connection to the city’s most shameful slum? Just over an hour away: Skid Row. Here live, or vegetate about 15000. (!) People who were ultimately abandoned. If there were not institutions like the Union Rescue Mission. Our first program point intimately illustrated the extremes that also make up Los Angeles. And motivated. There are people who care. A strong start to this week, which made us realize that “low budget” will never be an advertising slogan for Beverly Hills, this island of dignified affluence.
We navigate our way from there by bus and subway to appointments that showcase a huge swath of this elusive city. TV stations presenting “news you can use ” to Latinos, good ole Hollywood Museum and the finest German support programs for artists in breathtaking scenery. We discussed (or argued) with a Republican hardliner. We sang karaoke in Koreatown. We mingled, searched for the perfect spot for a photo with the Hollywood Sign, made friends and continued to build this great network of RIAS Fellows. Our colleagues from the US planned a lot of things for us, and maybe we proved them wrong about riding the bus.
Erik Kirschbaum
What an unforgettable week in Los Angeles this was with RIAS Berlin Commission alumni members and our inspiring guest speakers. We saw slices of the city that we could never have discovered in our own. We learned about each other and about ourselves. We’ve made new friendships. We’ve all connected or re-connected with RIAS, and especially with our American RIAS alumni counterparts. And we all became a bit more American for at least this week while getting around this sprawling metropolis. Thanks to all of our terrific speakers such as former Governor Pete Wilson, KMEX anchor Gabriela Teissier, KABC business editor Frank Mottek, former ambassador Richard Grenell, Consul General Andrea Sasse, Mayor Julian Gold, KABC anchor David Ono, South Korea national soccer team coach Jürgen Klinsmann, Union Mission Director Andy Bales and Jonathan Club’s Johannes Massner along with many others for their enthusiasm and taking time for RIAS. We all have an insatiable appetite to learn. I can’t thank you all enough for sharing this ride together with me in LA this week.