Deutsches RIAS-Fellows-Treffen 2001
Berlin, 6. Mai 2001

Mehr als 150 deutsche Fellows und zahlreiche amerikanische wie deutsche Gäste kamen am 6. Mai 2001 zum fünften Fellow-Treffen der RIAS BERLIN KOMMISSION ins Berliner FORUM-Hotel am Alexanderplatz, um Erfahrungen auszutauschen, Kontakte zu pflegen oder zu erneuern und an der Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema „Präsident George Bush, die ersten 100 Tage im Amt — was hat sich in der U.S.-Politik geändert“ teilzunehmen.

Cherylyn Harley
ehem. Pressesprecher, Republican National Committee, Washington, D.C.

With the new Bush Administration, I feel very confident that Transatlantic Relations will continue to flourish. More importantly, I think this Administration’s foreign policy team is one of the best that we have seen in modern times.

Dr. Clemens Verenkotte
ARD Radio Korrespondent, Washington, D.C., RIAS Radio-Preisträger 2001

Europe and the United States will always enjoy a close and lasting relationship that will endure some bumps in the road caused by the affection of the Bush government for unilateral actions.

Catherine McArdle Kelleher
Direktor Aspen Institut, Berlin

It’s still too early to tell what the Bush Administration team will actually do about Europe, Russia, or even NATO. But one thing is clear: the campaign is over. Bush cannot simply be against things or distinguish himself by being not-Clinton. What is needed is vision, leadership, and consultation with trusted allies – all of which are too little in evidence in current transatlantic policy.