Supported Productions 1996

In addition to the German-American exchange programs, another important task of the RIAS BERLIN COMMISSION is to support German and American radio and television productions which promote mutual understanding. In 1996 the commission selected a total of six productions to receive grants:

  • Sharing the Front: German and American Armies in Today’s Europe (AMELAN TV GmbH)
    A documentary on the German-American friendship within NATO and how both countries are increasing military cooperation in advance of eventual NATO expansion eastward.
  • Deutsche Welle tv & shy; 100 Degrees — The Young TV Magazine for the Whole World
    Young Americans and Germans between myth and reality
  • The Return of the Americans to Pariser Platz No. 2 (Michael Blackwood Productions)
    A documentary about the history and future of the American Embassy at the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin.
  • Dissent and Resistance in the GDR 1949-1989 (Hava Kohav Theatre Foundation, Inc.)
    The choice between responsibility and individual resistance or collaboration and compromise.
  • Documentary on the Marshall Plan (EFC Film & Video Production)
  • A New Morning for Europe (TANGRAM-Christian Bauer Filmproduktion)