Supported Productions 2007
In addition to the German-American exchange programs, another important task of the RIAS BERLIN COMMISSION is to support German and American radio and television productions which promote mutual understanding. In 2007 the RIAS BERLIN Commission selected one production to receive grants.
Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair…
Die Hippies und der Summer of Love 1967
SWR2 Radio feature
With grass and LSD, the hippies in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park were hoping in 1967 to move into new dimensions of human emotion. Hundred thousand young people from all over the world came together in the Haight-Ashbury district. Instead of finding human liberation and real community many fell into psychosis, depression, delinquency and suicide. Despite their rapid disappearance and its excesses, the influence of the youth rebellion reached far beyond the United States, up to the ’68 movement in Germany and Europe.