Summer and Fall

RIAS Germany Program – Summer
June 14–28, 2003

Fourteen American journalists in Germany: Berlin, Dessau, Wittenberg, Brussels, Frankfurt/Main, Meissen and Dresden. Individual extension program for 8 participants.


Jim Armstrong, WLNE-TV/ABC6 News, Providence, RI

“From Chuck D. to Don G. in 2 1?2 Weeks” or, “My RIAS Experience 2003”

I think Heidi summed it up well as we headed for that morning’s champagne toast just outside Meissen: “13 years ago,” she mused, “if anyone told me I’d be taking a group of American journalists to meet a German prince, I’d say they were crazy.” Crazy. Or incredible prognosticators, I suppose. Either way, that day fell right in line with everything else that happened this summer.

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RIAS Germany Program – Fall
September 27 – October 12, 2003

Fifteen American journalists in Germany: Berlin, Brussels, Munich and Leipzig. Individual extension program for 3 participants.


David Bruns, KCRA Channel 3, Sacramento, CA

Germany: Discovered Through Two Natural Exhibits:

As the plane dipped slowly downward, and our approach to Berlin-Tegel Airport began as a methodical yet gentle descent into the cloud cover, my neck was craned over three seats — past a suave looking man who was anxiously reading an investment book in Polish, past a young woman resting her head on the seat in front of her, and past the windows, through the quick patches in clouds, and into the green checkered expanse that was Germany below. I was intent on seeing the city — a symbol of Germany — of Europe, and of contemporary history, from high above as an overview. Over the next two extraordinary and personally revitalizing weeks, I would be given the opportunity to see much of Berlin, and other parts of Germany in a much closer perspective. And although we would tour many sights, travel to several cities, meet many interesting people — I found the most revealing experience to be a simple afternoon, isolated, absorbed in the simple commonality of myself, with the German people.

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